Originally posted 2009. Updates 2022, 2024.
When it comes to daily supplements, we don't mess around. The soil, she ain't what she used to be. It's unlikely we get all our essential nutrients from food, even when we eat clean. Thank you, FDA and USDA, for protecting the food supply so well. <sarcasm>
We are almost never sick since we've paid attention to our food, fitness and supplements. Yay! Bear in mind that we are boomers, born in 1950 and 1955, so some of the supplements are for inflammation caused by arthritis. You can have inflammation earlier but (hopefully) that won’t happen till you are 45+ (if at all!).
Putting the daily vitamin puzzle together has been a labor of love. There is a world of info out there and it took me years--literally YEARS--to figure out.
What to take
How much to take
Which brand to choose
Find out if there's a non-GMO alternative
What are all those additives?
What can I do naturally?
What can I buy locally?
My questions were endless and ever evolving. And new brands coming online every day! We live in dangerous times as far as staying healthy is concerned, so the research continues.
SUPPLEMENTS ALONE WON’T SAVE YOUR LIFE. Your body needs nutrient-dense clean foods (start learning here) + a moderate amount of exercise (minimum 12 minutes 3x week). These days, during what Catherine Austin Fitts calls “The Great Poisoning”, detox is a must. We use this zeolite detox and won’t stop until the world is safe again. Just bear in mind that supplements are designed to SUPPLEMENT a healthy lifestyle, not “take the place of” one.
AMAZON Some of my posts still contain links to Amazon but I’m switching them to either the manufacturer or another provider. Amazon funds our slavery and I refuse to support them unless I can’t find the thing anywhere else. Fortunately, these days, we have found options!
BEWARE SOME SUPPLEMENT MANUFACTURERS I try not to support the other megacorps that are funding our slavery. This guy is great for revealing who is owned by Vanguard/State Street/Blackrock and who is still family-owned. NOW Foods is family-owned. Drs Best, my recent fav, was bought by a megacorp so I no longer support them.
POWDERS We buy lots of powder supplements because you just get the thing you want, zero fillers. Powders mix up in a smoothie or yogurt or in a shot of kombucha. You’ll want the spoon set here. We leave the correct spoon in the bag of the supplement so we needed 3 spoon sets :) PS. If you prefer pills, NOW brand is great and we shop locally or at iherb!
GMOS I look for non-GMO or organic ingredients whenever possible. The product has to say "No GMO" on the label, or be corn, soy, canola, and/or cotton-free. Most Vitamin C products contain ascorbic acid which is usually made from corn. Any vitamins made with corn, soy, canola or cottonseed oil is GMO unless the label says non-GMO. GMOs are proven poisons.
CHINA Are our supplements made in China? Yes. PureBulk’s FAQs page has an excellent response. Look for “Some of your products are made in China…”
Looking for our Flu Prevention Protocol? CLICK HERE for details, including info on how get and use HCQ & Ivermectin!
What to eat to stay extra healthy:
Stop eating PUFAs! PUFAs are extremely toxic. Basically these are seed oils, nuts, seeds. Processed foods are generally loaded with PUFAs. Better to use clean saturated fats that are non- or low-PUFA: butter, ghee, lard, tallow, coconut oil, avocado oil, olive oil. Gotta make sure the avo and olive are CLEAN. These two are easy to dilute with PUFA oils.
Eat clean organic foods, as local as possible
Include superfoods every day! Drink raw milk, eat lots of eggs, use/drink bone broth every chance you get, eat liver and oysters each once a week. These superfoods go a long way to keeping us healthy. We’d give up all supplements if we had to in order to afford these foods!!!
Our Daily Supplements
Here's what we take everyday. For more info on a supplement, I research at Linus Pauling Institute or at Weston A Price.
♥ A 25,000 iu Great immune system booster and essential to work with D, E, K. We take 2-3 days a week. Vit a is fat soluble so you don’t pee it out :)
♥ Aspirin at least 500 mg/day. I take 750 mg (2 regular), Hal takes 1075 mg (3 regular). GeriCare is thought to have the least additives. We take our aspirin in a short glass of water with 1/4 tsp of baking soda (to buffer) and at least 1 mg vitamin C (buffers also) plus our Methylene Blue (the C turns the blue much lighter color). Did you know that if boomers took aspirin everyday, we would live so long that we’d break the pension system? Yep: read this!
♥ B complex | Good for everything, especially good for brain and managing stress
♥ B12 5,000 mcg | Energy & brain food!
♥ Benfotiamine Reduces inflammation, helps with joint pain, neuropathy + lots of studies going on that show it’s very helpful for parkinson’s plus more benefits. Dr. Berg has a good short video on it.
♥ Berberine This is great for 2 things (in particular): balancing blood sugar (studies show it works better than Metformin, scroll down to section 3.1) and inflammation. We take 1 a day, you can take more.
♥ Boron For bone and joint health. You can take in pill form (simple) or take borax (yes, 20 Mule Team & cheap) or make a liquid: mix 1 tsp borax in a qt of distilled water. Take 1 tsp/day of this mix for 3 mg boron. Read more here. This is another good article on boron with references. TAKING STRAIGHT BORAX: Hal and I take 1/4 tsp of borax daily in the smoothie. This is equal to 100 mg of boron which is a LOT but thousands of people take this much, no harm despite what it says on the box :) This book tells all: Beyond the Arthritis Fix
♥ Bromelain Good for digestion and a big part of the Spike Detox Recovery protocol. Shedding is a real thing, y’all. We believe we’ve already been the recipient, dealing with Hal’s blood clot. IMHO, everyone should be on the detox protocol, at least the basics.
♥ Calcium We drink lots of raw milk (goal is a quart a day) and supplement with calcium. This is to help heal the thyroid and the parathyroid. I don’t quite understand it all yet but I do feel better the longer I’m doing the Peat thing so I’m going with it.
♥ C 1-10 grams/day This is powder and can be extremely tart. We mix a serving with 1/2 tsp of baking soda, then drink. The baking soda buffers the acid and makes it easy to drink!
♥ Copper is ESSENTIAL!!! We take 10 mg daily. Start slow with these 3 mg capsules. Then work your way up. Once you are up to 10 mg, you can make your own: I bought these copper sulfate crystals and these 4 oz brown dropper bottles. I pour 9.4 grams crystals in a 4 oz dropper bottle and add boiling (or very hot) distilled water to dissolve them. Each drop in this bottle has 1 mg copper. This book tells all: The Copper Revolution. This podcast with Mercola and Robbins explains WHY copper is essential (hint: iron overload).
♥ Curcumin Excellent for inflammation and joint pain. The link goes to the liposomal curcumin included in Joe Tippins’ cancer protocol. It’s pricey. There’s also Theracurmin which is the most 2nd most bio-available formulation. Here’s a link for a good brand of Theracurmin.
♥ D3 5,000 iu (if no sunshine, we take 2 for 10k iu). Vitamin D3 is the anti-flu hormone/vitamin. We don't get sick when we take D3.
♥ E 400 We get this with our progesterone, see below. Good for brain health, detoxing PUFAs, cancer fighter, pushing back against estrogen.
♥ Flavay Excellent info at the link. Another miracle drug when it comes to inflammation and aging.
♥ Glycine Much like collagen and gelatin, glycine helps rebuild tissue all over your body. I wrote about it here.
♥ K2 ESSENTIAL with D3!!! D3 gets your calcium into your bloodstream. K2 gets it into your bones and teeth. This book is an excellent primer on K2. Did you know that K2 REVERSES atherosclerosis and CAD? REVERSES. Lots more info here.
♥ LDN 4.5 mg (about 1 tsp) | This is low-dose Naltrexone. LDN is used to boost one's immune system and is a known cancer-fighter/preventive. Dr. Berkson (see ALA above) uses this. Most alternative cancer docs use this in their protocols these days! This requires a prescription or a good pharmacy in India (click here to see where to learn more, where to buy and how to use).
♥ Magnesium (must have with D3) We make our own mag oil which is cheap, easy and EFFECTIVE. Details here.
♥ MCT oil We add a quick shot to our first cup of coffee (we keep it in a smaller squeeze bottle, shelf stable). GO SLOW, like start with 1/2 tsp or it will make you go… disaster pants is a possibility. On the plus side, it’s good for constipation issues and brain food.
♥ Melatonin/L-Theanine (powder) | Melatonin is a cancer fighter, gets us drowsy to help fall asleep. We love melatonin, it’s one of those controversial vitamins/hormones but we’ve done the deep dive and don’t plan to stop taking it until new info appears. Good overall info here. L-Theanine improves focus and relieves stress. We mix this in an evening juice or smoothie.
♥ Methylene Blue Secret weapon for aging, mood, wound care, brain health. And so much more — I wrote about it here! Take with aspirin and vitamin C (see above).
♥ Minerals Minerals are foundational for health! Since the soil is so depleted, we MUST supplement. We distill our drinking water, then add 1/4 tsp of this mineral solution to each gallon.
♥ NAC Good for pretty much everything and a big part of the Spike Detox Recovery protocol. NAC supplements boost the availability of l-cysteine, which accelerates glutathione production. Glutathione is your body’s master antioxidant, you want lots!
♥ Nattokinase A proteolytic enzyme that dissolves excess proteins in the blood. We take this to dissolve Hal’s blood clot and to prevent more. We believe he got the clot from shedding… we also believe everyone should take this because of shedding. Ditto Ivermectin.
♥ Niacinamide (powder) | B3, excellent for detoxing PUFAs.
♥ Progesterone This is big in the Ray Peat world and we are confirmed Peatarians at the moment. Here’s the basic info. The product is called Progest-E and is sold by Ray Peat’s widow, Catherine. To order, email kenogen@gmail.com. They will send you a payment link. Bottles are 34 mL and cost $35 including shipping. I love this product! Still experimenting with my dose but I simply feel better taking it. PS. Other companies have copied the formula and sell it unauthorized. Please buy from Catherine. Thank you.
♥ Zeolite | Detox is essential for good health, particularly today during what Catherine Austin Fitts calls “The Great Poisoning”. You cannot get well "over" toxins, they gotta go. We use our zeolite spray at least once a day now (we did 4x a day for almost 2 years).
♥ Zinc (powder) | Essential for prostate and immune support.
Remember, I'm not telling YOU what to take. I'm telling you what WE take. The FDA has forbidden me to give advice, so of course I never would. Unless you called me and asked.
Off and/or On:
♥ ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid) 300 mg | ALA is a hugely powerful antioxidant! Dr. Berkson wrote a very good book on the topic. Everything you ever wanted to know about ALA is in this book. Dr. Berkson's successful cancer treatment is based on ALA and LDN. (PS. You need Vitamin B with ALA because ALA uses it up.)
♥ Digestive enzymes Digestive enzymes help you GET THE NUTRIENTS out of your food. We go thru a large bottle once or twice a year depending on illnesses or antibiotic use. These were formulated by the late Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez. We'll take 3-5 with each meal. Dr. Gonzalez was a brilliant cancer doctor. Here's his book Enzymes and Cancer. His partner of 20+ years, Dr. Linda Isaac, carries on his work. She is my cancer doctor of choice should the need arise.
♥ Fiber? We don't supplement fiber anymore. Here's why: this guy and this article. You'll find lots more info online (I know because I've read so so much lol), but these are two are good reads to start.
♥ Iodine LugoTabs | Read up on iodine here, why you need it, what it does.
♥ Lysine (Powder) 500 mg (anti-viral) We took this for years to combat herpes outbreaks (both locations). It worked great. We stopped taking it because outbreaks stopped, but still have it on hand.
♥ Omega 3s? These are either PUFAs or rancid oils so we don’t take any. We eat LOTS of saturated fats. That will have to do :)
♥ Probiotics: MegaSporeBiotic We don’t take probiotics all the time because we eat well. We take for 3-5 months after a course of antibiotics (they still have a place occasionally) or when recovering from an illness.
♥ Quercitin — pushes zinc into the cells to stop the virus and inhibits the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines. “Cytokine storm” is what kills you IF you are metabolically weak (aka have a co-morbidity) and are sick with a bad flu.
♥ Selenium 200 mcg | Good for everything, great cancer-fighter. Essential if you take iodine.
A little more on Detox
♥ You cannot get well on top of toxins, they gotta go. And once you start your clean eating, your body will start to off-load toxins. Here are a few ways to make sure the toxins LEAVE your body completely:
Zeolite detox, a safe, heavy metals detox!
Activated charcoal - we take 2 at least 1x a week to absorb any toxins we’ve picked up. Good stuff and every home needs a bottle. It’s what poison control centers use to mop up poisons! Take 2 hours away from meds and other supplements.
Drink water when you are thirsty (you have to pay attention to your thirst mechanism — we’ve ignored it for too long opting to drown ourselves with 8-10 glasses of water of day regardless of whether or not we are thirsty!)
Enough exercise to leave you breathless for 12-20 minutes 3x/week (Did you know your exhale is one of the most powerful detox pathways in your body?)
What vitamins do you take? What is your most powerful health practice?
xo Sally
Miss you!
I love your blogs. You are always right on target with allllll the details.