Updated 220207 new links and info.
Did you know that, if you need to supplement magnesium (and who doesn't?), you can make magnesium oil at home? It's fast, easy and cheap!
After years of mono-cropping (mostly with GMO seed), combined with heavy use of pesticides and herbicides, our soil is in such bad shape these days that our food no longer contains the nutrients we think they do.
Organic farming and rotational grazing are working hard to turn that around, but we aren't there yet. As a result, we humans are uniformly deficient in magnesium, a critical element for wellness.
The Weston A. Price Foundation says every body needs it and plenty of it!
Dr. Mark Hyman says it's one of his "secret weapons against illness."
Dr. Carolyn Dean's definitive book on magnesium liberally uses the word "miracle"... as do the 550+ reviewers! I have the book, it's truly everything you want to know about magnesium and then some.
'Nuff said, mag oil is a staple around here. Now you can make magnesium oil practically for free: less than $20 will cover your use for at least a couple of months at 2 tsp a day (1 tsp = 400 mg). Frugal bio-hackers, unite!
I just did two quickie videos on TikTok:
Why Mag Oil and not Mag Supplements?
The problem with taking magnesium orally is that it can be hard on the bowels. You have to build up tolerance, then maintain it. If you skip your oral mag for a few days, you have to start over with the titration and build up tolerance again.
Of course, if you are constipated, magnesium is the go-to. Lots of people use magnesium to both get mag and stay regular.
When we take orally, we take this mag + this mag, some in the am, some in the pm. ESPECIALLY in times of stress!!! Mag burns up in stressful times.
Mag OIL, on the other hand, isn't hard on your bowels at all. You rub it on, it absorbs transdermally and skips your digestive system altogether. Love it!
How to Make Magnesium Oil:
Mix 1 cup of mag chloride flakes and 1 cup of filtered water in a mason jar and swirl every few minutes. Within 30 minutes or so, the flakes are dissolved. That's it: you've got mag oil. Two cheap ingredients, two simple steps -- it's that fast and easy!
If you want to add MSM or sulfur to the mix (I sometimes add sulfur), use this organic MSM or pure sulfur. I add 4 tsp of sulfur per cup of mag.
Some people heat the water to mix. You can, I don't see how it will hurt, but I never have. It mixes fine without heat and never settles. Once mixed, it stays mixed.
OPTIONAL: you can add a few drops of a good quality essential oil if you like.
Where to Buy Magnesium Chloride Flakes
There are two kinds of mag chloride used to make magnesium oil: edible ("food grade") and non-edible. The edible is double in price but still way affordable.
A top-rated EDIBLE brand is here. They have done a ton of testing and have answered all questions. As always, good info in the Q&A and reviews.
A top-rated NON-EDIBLE brand is here. This is what I use.
How to Take Magnesium Oil
1 tsp = approx 400 mg elemental mag. Use more or less as suits you. Your body does not hold onto mag, excess leaves your body via the usual pathways so you are in no danger of overdose.
I make mine in a Mason jar, then keep it in a dropper bottle by my bed. At bedtime, I put 4-8 droppers in my hand and rub on my body. My dropper is about 1/2 tsp per, so 4 droppers is 2 tsp. That’s 800 mg and IMO the minimum.
Mag oil has an oily feel, but it soaks in and dries, sometimes leaving a powder residue. As long as 20-30 minutes have passed, you can wipe this off or hop in the shower. (I leave it on.)
On Spray Bottles
I used to use a spray bottle but they get clogged up too quickly. Feh.
About Mag Oil Itching
If I haven't used my mag oil for a few days and spray on any fatty tissue (inner thighs, my ahem tiny love handles), it will itch and maybe give me a burning sensation. It's not bad and I just ignore it.
If you get itching/burning that is too much to ignore, here are some recommendations I have heard about but have not tried:
Add a little MSM to the oil, or make a mixture of half mag oil/half DMSO, (from which MSM is is made). This makes an even "oilier" consistency. Plus, you gain the benefits of sulfur supplements at the same time.
Once the mag oil has dried, you can rub in coconut oil or aloe to soothe the itch.
Start slow and work your way up to full dose.
When to Take Mag Oil?
Just before bed is best for me. Magnesium is very relaxing and helps me fall sleep and stay asleep. Silvie has a great write up on magnesium and sleep here. Good, cheap, reliable and very healthy!
Some people say mag oil actually energizes them, so they take in the am. Just a head's up, if this happens to you, you aren't the only one!
Have you made mag oil? Do you add anything to it? How does it work for you?