Trade Statins, Blood Thinners & HBP Meds for 3 Cheap Supplements
K2 + Nattokinase + Aspirin. BAM!
But first, a rant. Feel free to skip this and get to the goods below.
That title sounds too good to be true, right? At least until you come to know that ConMed (Conventional Medicine) + Big Pharma have created an extremely profitable sick care industry. That is to say making and keeping people sick for profit. Profitable for them, not you. And lifelong profit, at that.
They don’t make any money if you get well.
Oh, “conspiracy”, you say? LOOK AROUND. Since we’ve had an FDA, a CDC, and a WHO, humans across the planet are fatter and sicker than they’ve ever been. Every single country, city, town where the current American culture has taken hold — the Western diet + a device in every hand — has seen its population get so sick and fat, they require ConMed intervention. Cha-ching.
Lifelong profit because none of those meds cure. They don’t even heal. Once you are on a med, you will be on it for life. Or until you do your own research.
How many people do you know who got a prescription from their doctor, took it for awhile, then one day didn’t need it anymore? Mmm hmmm.
How many people do you know who just stopped taking their meds, didn’t die, didn’t even get worse, then miraculously got better by eating cleaner food, using non-toxic products, adding just a bit of exercise, and managing stress effectively? I know MANY.
So what do these meds DO? They mask symptoms, most often causing other illness and “side effects” along the way. I’m wondering if there are any pharmaceuticals that DON’T cause significant side effects.
Did you know that there are very few studies on the interactions of the various drugs you are taking? How do your HBP meds interact with your restless leg meds, statins, Metformin and PPIs? Nobody knows.
Good time to proclaim that I am not a doctor and none of this is medical advice. I am a good-hearted woman with an opinion. Lots of opinions. Based on 40 years of research and training. I’m not telling YOU what to do. I’m telling you what I do and what I make my husband do. YOUR medical decisions are yours alone.
High Blood Pressure (HBP) Basics:
Your blood pumps through your circulatory system under pressure much like water thru the pipes in your house. Blood pressure is the pressure of circulating blood against the walls of blood vessels (aka your pipes).
ConMed has established a safe blood pressure reading of 139/89. Anything over that is consider “high”. The medical term for high blood pressure is hypertension. ConMed says that, if your blood pressure is “high”, you run the risk of stroke and heart attack among other unpleasantries like kidney failure.
If you are diagnosed with HBP — even if it only measures high once — then you are prescribed meds which reduce the pressure to “safe” levels. You are generally on these forever or until your blood pressure magically returns to “normal”.
PS. Your BP will never return to normal without some sort of intervention. When the warning light goes on in your car, you don’t just wait until your car fixes itself, right? Body is the same. When a system goes wrong in your body, it requires intervention to heal it. That intervention can be as simple as, say, improving the quality of your sleep or seeing a chiropractor for awhile. Intervention is a must. I’m simply recommending different interventions than ConMed offers.
Blood Pressure Testing
A blood pressure test measures the pressure in the arteries as the heart pumps. The sphygmomanometer (SFIG-moh-mə-NO-mi-tər) is the type used most often.
The cuff is placed at heart level around your upper arm which is supported and relaxed.
It’s then inflated until the artery is completely blocked, no blood can get thru.
While listening with a stethoscope to the brachial artery on the inside of your arm just below the cuff, the cuff pressure is slowly released until a "whooshing" or pounding sound is heard as blood flow first starts to flow again in the artery.
The pressure at which this sound begins is recorded as the systolic blood pressure or the maximum pressure during one heartbeat. This is the top number.
The cuff pressure is further released until the sound can no longer be heard. This is recorded as the diastolic blood pressure or minimum pressure between two heartbeats. This is the bottom number.
Causes of HBP
Nobody with a ConMed background knows. They will tell you stress or being fat, but they won’t teach you how to manage stress or lose weight without surgery or drugs.
I know one certain cause: clogged arteries. You can’t push liquid thru a clogged hole without pushing REALLY HARD.
Arteriosclerosis is when arteries become thick restricting blood flow to organs and tissues in the body.
The mythical cause, which is still promoted by authoritative sources on the internet because that’s where I got this info just now, is that arteriosclerosis is caused by “the buildup of sticky cholesterol plaque in the arteries and is the leading cause of heart attacks, strokes, and peripheral vascular disease.”
That quote was lifted from the Mayo Clinic which should really know that cholesterol has nothing to do with hardening of the arteries which means it has NOTHING to do with heart attacks. I’ve written about this ad nauseum providing tons of resources: here in 2010, here in 2012, here in 2020 and here in 2023.
Yet, a month ago, a dear friend had a heart attack and her doctor put her on statins. *&#(*@$)(#*! And HBP medications. Oy vey.
I’d go to a doctor for emergency treatment. Not for any kind of maintenance. Or healing.
The 3 Cheap Supplements
When your blood is flowing freely thru unclogged arteries, it can do it’s job bringing oxygen and nutrients to your entire body without undue pressure.
K2 this one - The main offender in clogged arteries is not cholesterol but calcium. You get calcium in lots of foods and many of us (me included) take a calcium supplement. But calcium doesn’t know where to go by itself so you take K2 which makes sure the calcium gets into your skeleton. Otherwise, calcium attaches to your arteries and piles up. Taking K2 after-the-fact moves that calcium out of your arteries into your skeleton. This is an excellent book on the topic, covers it very thoroughly, a good listen if you are into Audible.
Nattokinase either pills or powder (Hal adds the powder to coffee, you’ll need this measuring spoon set, a pinch = 2,000 FU) — Nattokinase is a proteolytic enzyme that dissolves excess proteins in the blood. Hal started taking it after he developed a massive blood clot out of the blue. This link tells that story and describes how FAST Nattokinase worked. We’ll be taking this for life. It’s cheap and easy. It’s also part of the Spike Detox protocol developed by Dr. Peter McCullough. Double duty :)
Aspirin this one — Aspirin has been used as a blood thinner for decades. It still works beautifully and is not dangerous or expensive. You can read the whole story of aspirin and how to take it at the blood clot link :) This is something else that we’ll now be taking forever.
That’s it. We take lots more vitamins, trust me, but these are the 3 to make sure you don’t die of a heart attack caused by a clogged artery!
Videos on these 3 supplements by actual doctors & other experts
Just so you know I didn’t make this stuff up, I’ve included many of the videos I watched, podcasts I’ve listened to. And there are LOTS more than the ones I included. I’m a research junkie.
Nattokinase is getting so much play today post ConVid 19 because of its ability to dissolve excess protein in the blood, it’s crazy. The place I get ours (link above for the powder) is almost sold out!
K2’s ability to reverse arteriosclerosis has been well known for decades, but statins are a huge money maker for big pharma and for doctors who get kickbacks for prescriptions so they ignore it.
Aspirin — even baby aspirin — was set aside many years ago in lieu of profitable blood thinners. Hal left the hospital with a script for Eliquis for a cool thousand a month and a list of side effects so horrific, it was suggested he wear a medical alert bracelet. Um, no thank you.
Take a listen/watch below. Have fun!!!
Aspirin the wonder drug with Danny Roddy and Kitty Blomfield. Both Danny & Kitty are Ray Peat followers and I follow them!
Lumbrokinase, nattokinase, Serrapeptase: which one? Here’s a good comparison. (HINT: I take a combo Serrapeptase for scar tissue & Nattokinase for clearing excess proteins in the blood. Hal takes Nattokinase to dissolve blood clots.)
Nattokinase and blood pressure
Berg on how to clean out your arteries
Best Supplement for HBP
From statins to this:
Nattokwinase for clogged arteries
Nattokinase, reversing heart disease and more
Clean Clogged Arteries Naturally
The Vitamin K2 Cure “They” Don’t Want You To Know! (New Report Explained)
Nattokinase Benefits They Want Hidden | Spike? Plaque? Cholesterol? What Dose? (Study Confirmed)
General information article on blood pressure
Article about BP meds
Do you take any of these? I’d love to hear your story, how it’s working for you, what else is working!
xo Sally
Sally, this is a great article! Chock full of information and links to follow. Thanks for all the deep dives you do into these topics and the clear and easy way you present them.
I'll be sharing this.