Sally's Real Life
Sally's Real Life
Talking with Cindi Batson about Fluoride in KY

Talking with Cindi Batson about Fluoride in KY


Cindi has been spearheading the move to remove the water fluoridation MANDATE in KY. Right now, every county is mandated to add fluoride to its water system.

Once the mandate is gone, each county can decide for itself.

The bill was first filed in 2018 and it’s been gaining traction and sponsors every year. Leadership kills it eventually. Need some leadership with little kids!!!

Sally's Real Life
Sally's Real Life
Where we talk about REAL life, not that fake TV stuff! Dive into REAL food, health, farmers, medicine, and the freedom to choose for you and your family. BRACE YOURSELF: we are not aligned in any way with ConMed (Conventional Medicine). Still drawing outside the lines but now there are millions of others doing it, too. Welcome!