Oct 12, 2022Liked by Sally Oh

You rock Sally O!!! And the song is perfect!!!

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I can't stop singing it!!!

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Hi Sally! After reading Mira’s comment I don’t understand the pro-vax, pro-mask peoples anger and hatred of those who question or haven’t witnessed the death and illness that was projected by the computer modeling by Neil Ferguson (who’s only been wrong with his predictions 100% of the time!). I got a few F*@$ you’s after I posted on a social media app that I hadn’t experienced any of it in all my social connections. Although some of my former friends (all jabbed) won’t tell me about their own experiences, so who knows? I do hear about a cousin or friend of a friend who’s died of Covid, but we can pretty much guess they had other things going on. I had a fourth-year medical student staying with me recently, she told me her grandfather had severe dementia and had fallen and broken his hip, when they took him to the hospital they tested him for Covid, he had no symptoms. He died a few days later, and Covid was on his death certificate. It’s been reported that there’s some monetary incentives for hospitals claiming Covid deaths.. why people can’t see this is beyond me, but mass psychosis or formation is the only explanation I can see. 😢

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Thank you! I hope they wake up for their own sakes. I think people jump to politics: if you are anti-jab, you are pro-Trump (even though he's pro-jab -- talk about a disconnect) and if you are pro-jab, you are a peace-loving Dem (even though he wants nuclear war with Russia). Oh man, I can't even compute.

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