I and millions of others have been saying since at least Feb 2020 that there is something else going on.
We went along with the lockdown for a few days then quit that nonsense.
When the masking started, we were incredulous because we knew that masks don't work against a virus.
Pretty quick, we figured out this whole thing was about world domination… Just didn’t know who.
And when the vax was announced as the only thing that would save us, after two perfectly safe, effective drugs were banned? We knew this was all about vaccine profits. At least for the moment…
They are so obvious.
But now… Twitter is blowing up with Pfizer's admission YESTERDAY that they knew the vaccines would not prevent transmission, and knew it BEFORE the vaccine was out of the oven.
Could the truth be coming out in such a way that it’s impossible to ignore? Lord, I hope so ‘cause you know they aren't done. Read up on CBDCs. Hello, China.
For more on CBCDs, listen to How They Prepare You To Be Their Slave.
Those 9 little words: I’m from the government and…
If you've been awake as long as I have — since 1995 when we had our first audit, then health-wise in 2006 when I learned the truth about vaccines from an uncensored internet — then you know for sure that when your government or any of its minions say, "I'm here to help", they are definitely lying and you better watch your back.
And guess what? WE WERE RIGHT. Wonder when Mira (see photo) and my family member who hasn't spoken to me in over 2 years and all the other friends who no longer speak to me -- many of whom, like Mira, I've known for decades -- will admit they were wrong?
And PLEASE stop lining up for the vaccine. The most recent one approved under EUA (what emergency?) doesn't stop transmission or infection or death and is for a virus that no longer exists for God's sake.
Masks definitely don't work (study after study after study) and never have. Viruses, particularly aerosolized ones, are SO TEENSY that a mask is literally like using a chain link fence to keep out mosquitoes.
To add injury to insult, masks are bad for your health and that's on the CDC and WHO websites. Masks have damaged our children emotionally, psychologically and intellectually and that was predicted -- known by social scientists -- from the very beginning. If you are still masking your child, that is abuse. Yeah, I said that out loud. CUT IT OUT.
Turns out this flu is less dangerous than regular flu, unless you are OVER 70 WITH 4+ CO-MORBIDITIES. Just being old does not put you at greater risk. You have to be 70+ WITH those co-morbidities. Not 1. Not 2. 4+.
Y'all. You've been lied to, hypnotized by fear, terrified on purpose... why? For vaccine profits ATM and world domination coming right up (see CDBC).
This is a fantastic interview by Tucker Carlson of Mattias Desmet. Learn how the hypnosis was accomplished and how you can help stop and reverse the damage to our society. [HINT: speak truth out loud]
Twitter Gold Rush (this makes me so happy!)
Click the graphics to go to the twitter post.
xo Sally
Hi Sally! After reading Mira’s comment I don’t understand the pro-vax, pro-mask peoples anger and hatred of those who question or haven’t witnessed the death and illness that was projected by the computer modeling by Neil Ferguson (who’s only been wrong with his predictions 100% of the time!). I got a few F*@$ you’s after I posted on a social media app that I hadn’t experienced any of it in all my social connections. Although some of my former friends (all jabbed) won’t tell me about their own experiences, so who knows? I do hear about a cousin or friend of a friend who’s died of Covid, but we can pretty much guess they had other things going on. I had a fourth-year medical student staying with me recently, she told me her grandfather had severe dementia and had fallen and broken his hip, when they took him to the hospital they tested him for Covid, he had no symptoms. He died a few days later, and Covid was on his death certificate. It’s been reported that there’s some monetary incentives for hospitals claiming Covid deaths.. why people can’t see this is beyond me, but mass psychosis or formation is the only explanation I can see. 😢
You rock Sally O!!! And the song is perfect!!!