Love it Sally! Great reminder. I am doing just that too... Keeping going.

Food, sleep, exercise and... I would add...meditation and prayer.

Bring one the extraterrestrial holograms! I'm ready! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‰

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Haha, YES!

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Yes Sally Yes

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Exactly Sally! I worked at Baptist Hospital years ago, and in talking with some of the other employees there, we realized that the best thing we could do to fight against catching anything in the hospital was to keep ourselves healthy. We didnโ€™t ride the elevators, we always took the stairs. I ended up quitting the hospital because they were making flu vaccines mandatory. And now I have really jumped in to keeping myself healthy, since I am now elderly

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Right there with you. The last thing I want is to end up in an old people's warehouse...

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May 10, 2023Liked by Sally Oh

Your cylinders are working just fine. I see you zooming around, getting it done. Cheers to people like you, who are our inspiration!!! โœจ๏ธ ๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ’ซ

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Thank you!!! We need each other.

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Amen sista!

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"...everyone was walking head down, sad, knowing something was wrong but not what... everyone feeling helpless."

This reminds me of my first trip to China - in the late 80s, back when it really was still communist. One of the most striking things for me was the energy of the people - or the lack of it. The way they just shuffled through the streets of Shanghai, as if they had no real destination, glum looks on their faces for the most part. The energy of the whole city was just oppressive. It's where we're headed if we let this "thing" take our energy.

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Wow, I got chills reading that. I do NOT want that for my progeny!!!! Thanks, Bretigne!

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