Including the scary flu <eye roll>. Updated 12/16/21, 9/20/22, 2/14/24
So many of our friends are still unprepared for being sick. And, when you are sick and unprepared, any protocol more complex than aspirin and OJ can be overwhelming! Here is the flu cure/prevention we use in its simplest format.
This is all written as “what we do” because, since I don’t have an official white lab coat, I can’t tell you what to do. Of course, I got all this info from white lab coat wearing doctors who are awake and being harassed and threatened by TPTB.
Do you have the flu now? Here’s what we do that works:
We do this for 2-5 days until symptoms subside. We take everything at the same time with a fatty food like 2+ Tbsps of full-fat Greek yogurt or full-fat cottage cheese or toast with lots of butter.
Ivermectin: 12 mg. If we don’t have Ivermectin, we take 200 mg HCQ. If we don’t have either, we take a 500 mg Quercetin. Get Quercetin here.
Zinc 50 mg Get it here.
Vit C 1000 mg every hour, try to do at least 5 hours. (Take until you get gassy.) Get it here
Vit D3 2,000-5,000 iu 1x day Get it here.
PM: (still with fatty food)
HCQ: 200mg. If we don’t have HCQ, we take 12 mg Ivermectin. If we don’t have either, we take 500 mg Quercetin.
Zinc 50 mg
When symptoms subside, we’ll talk again. If you are currently sick and reading this for the first time, you can stop reading for now. We’d do the above and get well!
You can order HCQ & Ivermectin online, instructions at the bottom of this post.
Detailed Prevention & Healing Protocols
IMPORTANT: Take all supplements TOGETHER during or after a meal containing some FATS. The fats help get the supps/meds into your bloodstream, and keeps the zinc from making you nauseous (which it will do on an empty stomach).
Zinc 30-100 mg, 1 time a day Get it here. (Zinc stops the virus from replicating.)
Quercetin 500-1000 mg, 1 time a day Get it here. (Quercetin gets the zinc into the cells so it can stop the virus.)
Vitamin D3 5000 iu, 1 time a day Get it here (The anti-flu vitamin/hormone.)
Vitamin C 1000 mg/hour to bowel tolerance (till we get gassy) Get it here (Strong anti-oxidant, super healer). (PS. We take a LOT of C so almost never get gassy now. That only happens at first.)
Extra supplements for a strong terrain
K2 Get it here
Mag 500 mg Get it here
Selenium 200 mcg Get it here
B Complex Get it here
If you are high risk (obese, diabetic, high blood pressure), add an HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine) 200 mg or Ivermectin (dose is figured by weight, formula below) 2x a week.
For the full list of what we take everyday and why, see this post.
HEALING Protocol: What we do when we get the flu (which almost never happens because we focus on prevention)
5-7 days until symptoms subside*, then go to prevention protocol above. Remember to take all supplements TOGETHER during or after a meal with FATS.
Double the zinc (Zinc stops the virus from replicating.) When we feel a cold coming on, we take 150 mg zinc for 3 days which is usually enough to stop the thing.
We use HCQ 200 mg or Ivermectin instead of Quercetin. (Quercetin, HCQ & Ivermectin get the zinc into the cells to stop the virus.) The healing dose for Ivermectin is 3x the daily dose (My daily dose is 12 mg, so I took 24 mg in the am and 12 mg at night before bed. The HEALING dose for HCQ is 400 mg in divided doses (comes in 200 mg pills so one am, one pm). Greek yogurt was the fat I used to take with it.
Vitamin D3 25,000 iu/day first two days, then 10,000 iu/day
Vitamin C 1000 mg/hour to bowel tolerance (till you get gassy)
We take K2, Mag, Selenium & B Complex, same potency as above
*We take the healing protocol until symptoms SUBSIDE, then switch to the healing protocol until we feel GREAT. Flu generally lasts 5-7 days. We might feel like crap for 3 weeks afterward, but the prevention protocol is adequate during this time period.
DETOX from the Jab
Lungs in trouble? Flu affects my breathing so I nebulize H2O2 daily until very much better.
Use a diffuser if you don’t have a nebulizer, you can get a diffuser at Walmart, direct the spray toward your face. Be careful, that can be hot steam!
Get food grade h2o2 at Robert’s Health food store (in Lexington) or on Amazon.
Click here for complete instructions on nebulizing h2o2 including where to get a nebulizer.
Ivermectin: How To Find Your Dose
A dose is 150 to 200 mcg per kg body weight (exact same formula if you are a horse :)
Go here to convert your lbs to kgs.
Multiply weight in kgs x .15, then by .2 and take the average.
For example: 70 kg (150 lb) x .15 = 10.5 mg. Times .2 = 14 mg so the dose is 12 mg. I weigh 140 lbs which is 63.5 kg. So 63.5 x .15 = 9.5 mg. 63.5 x .2 = 12.7 mg… I take 12 mg as my dose.
NOTE: The pills come in 3 mg, 6 mg, 12 mg doses so order accordingly. You don't want to be cutting up little white pills everyday :)
How to Order from All Day Chemist
I’ve been ordering from ADC since 2008. I’ve used credit cards, my checking account, bitcoin, and never a problem. They speak English at the 800 number and are very helpful.
Go to
Search for Ivermectin 12mg (this is the largest pill you can get, you can also get 3mg, 6mg) and/or Hydroxychloroquine 200mg (you may get different brand/generic names but it will say Iver or Hydroxy on the page)
Place your order. You are sometimes limited to 2 boxes of each but if you call them, they will place a larger order, click the contact us link at the bottom for the numbers. USA Phone # is (855) 840-0584 -- I just placed an order and called them, did it all on the phone.
If you are not placing a larger order, then just follow the prompts
When you get to the “upload prescription” section, answer the questions (I think it asks if you smoke and a couple of other things), then ignore "upload a prescription" and click on.
There is sometimes a bank problem with ordering from an overseas site, your bank may refuse to honor the order. This is a pain in the butt but you might have to call your bank and tell them it's ok to authorize. I've had to call the same bank a couple of times, but it always goes thru.
It takes 3-5 weeks to get your order due to customs. I've always gotten mine! (Just got my $400 order 9/14/21, took 5 weeks.)
Want to buy in the US with a prescription? Go here to My Free Doctor or here for a list of doctors who will prescribe.
Do not go to the hospital!!!
Hospitals have ONE protocol: Remdesivir (read how dangerous this drug is) along with 2 other extremely dangerous drugs and they push to put you on a ventilator (9 out of 10 patients die on a vent).
If you or a loved one do go to a hospital, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AN ADVOCATE. Watch Dr. Ardis’ podcast with Michelle Rowton: Details here.
Have you noticed that most people die in a hospital? Click the photo below to watch Dr. Ardis' speech on the topic. He says it right out loud:
Complete info on Ivermectin
Complete info on Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)
Shared with tremendous love for you in this crazy time!
xo Sally