If you read my last article, you know Hal and I have been wearing matching tinfoil hats for years. Since 1995 actually when our clash with a big ugly federal agency began (it’s still going, they don’t give up).
We were living a happy, carefree life in Key West with our new baby, lots of friends, a beautiful house on a canal, two thriving, profitable businesses (printing & advertising for Hal, real estate for me).
Then Big Brother came for a visit, just by chance, and never left.
We saw and experienced such lies and tyranny, were treated so badly — what They did to us was illegal, immoral, unconscionable.
And we were so naive… we were shocked, it changed us and our lives forever. When we tell people about it (even now 2022), you can see they don’t really believe it was “that bad”. Heck, we probably asked for it. I mean, that’s what you get for poking the bear, right?
And because, deep down, we all know that kinda treatment could NEVER happen here. In Cuba, in Russia, maybe, but not here.
Until now. NOW liberty people have gotten an up close and personal glimpse into the tyranny our government is capable of without even a second thought.
Now we all know that not only COULD it happen here, it IS happening here.
It’s why Hal and I have zero faith in calling on bills, calling legislators and begging for our rights back, thinking any of them give two shits about what we want and “our rights” which they swore an oath to protect.
They have bigger fish to keep happy.
It’s why I have so much faith in the MAFA plan: we need to put the FEAR of retribution in them. NOTHING else will work.
How About You?
Hal has always been a liberty curmudgeon :) He would be supporting the pushback with you all right now even without our personal experience.
I, however, was a tree-hugger like the rest of my raisin’ up family. I voted for the cutest candidate… that’s how carefree and naive I was! I was finally brutally awakened (and Hal driven to activism) by an out of control federal agency that suffers NO consequences for mischief, no matter who or what it destroys.
In fact, Hal’s job is helping people get out of trouble with this agency. Oh, the stories we can tell.
Today, we know so many liberty warriors working to turn this Covid nightmare around, pushing back right alongside us, warriors who have never had our type of experience. What drove them to the fight?
What drove YOU? Have you always been like this? Did you have an experience similar to ours and saw the belly of the beast like no one else you knew?
Please tell us: what got YOU here?