"Those who are unaware are unaware of being unaware". -- Merrill Jenkins, economist and author
Debating vaccination on social media takes so much time. Mostly because I have to repeat my reasoning for why we don't vaccinate every time the topic comes up. I have to remember where I saw the documentation behind the apparently insane idea that vaccination is not all it's cracked up to be.
No more: this is my Vaccination Wiki: pretty much everything I've learned on the topic.
If you are certain that vaccines are an excellent idea and want to debate the topic, I'm all in. You read this and I promise to read whatever you throw at me. Anything and everything. Then we can debate from a level playing field.
Wait! Aren't Vaccines PROVEN Safe?
I so desperately want to read studies proving vaccines are safe, yet have not found a one. Not one.
Or that vaccines have been proven effective by independent science, but none of those either.
Surely, this entire house of cards is not built on marketing? Show me the science. Please, I'm literally desperate to read some.
On the other hand, if you aren't 100% on the vaccination thing, why not read up before you decide? You'll get a good start here.
The Vaccine Update Section
Since I wrote this article (in 2009, fully updated 2014, again in 2019) so many other moms, researchers and doctors have spoken up. Read these first, then, if you want more education, continue with the rest of the article. In order of discovery, most recent first:
Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe A documentary on the CDC Whistleblower and experts' reactions and predictions
The Syndrome focuses on a team of doctors who expose the junk science behind "Shaken Baby Syndrome," an unprecedented criminal justice crisis
The Greater Good Movie Award winning documentary on vaccination, excellent resource
Bought The truth behind vaccines, Big Pharma and your food
Making a Killing: on the psychotropic drugs we give America's children... from age 2
2/15/15 Six (6) Reasons Why Parents are Choosing Not to Vaccinate Their Kids
2/9/15 To the Parents of the Immunocompromised Child Who Thinks My Kid is a Threat
2/7/15: http://www.livingwhole.org/the-hate-debate/ -- Excellent wiki!!! (And her husband is a doctor.)
2/1/15 Arizona Cardiologist [Dr. Jack Wolfson] Responds to Critics Regarding Measles and Vaccines After this article came out, he was investigated by the AZ medical board. He is unapologetic (to say the least).
11/14/14 Review and excellent overview of the book, Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History (here's the book on Amazon)
Are you afraid of your child contracting measles? Here's a measles vaccine perspective.
The Highwire with Del Bigtree
Children's Health Defense with Robert F. Kenndy, Jr.
LearnTheRisk.org (the founder recently died unexpectedly)
Excellent site: Marcella Piper Terry's VacTruth site
Tattling on the vaccine industry
Vaccine liberation
Original Vaccination Wiki
Last update 2019
If you've had all your vaccinations and are NOT healthy, there's a chance your illness is related to the poisons that were injected with your vaccines. Today's illness might be, if not cured, then much-relieved by removing the junk via chelation, clean food and a toxin-free (as much as possible) environment!
If you climb down this rabbit hole, you'll meet people who've cured themselves and their kids of incurable disease. Funny thing, you are not likely to hear of these healing methods from your doctor. In fact, your doctor will laugh at you if you mention them. That's right after s/he tries to scare the crap out of you because you mention your distrust in vaccines.
As will your friends and your enemies. Even though none of them have done any research.
But, then, why would they?
What they know about vaccination was told to them by Doctors, the indisputable Gods of the 20th century, who learned about it from a drug salesperson or journal article (possibly written by a Big Pharma ghostwriter), all verified by public indoctrination schooling and the MSM (which is owned by 6 corporations which are financed in one way or another by Big Pharma).
And everyone - doctors, teachers, MSM employees, you and me - assumes there's hard science behind vaccinations. There isn't which is the main reason why we don't vaccinate. Please SHOW ME THE SCIENCE.
Oh, and don't tell me the "vaccine question has been answered." Maybe it was at one time. Back when the world was flat.
Besides, if the question "Do vaccines work?" has been answered, the answer is "No."
If vaccines worked, then the vaccinated would never get the disease they'd been vaccinated against. But they do and in high numbers: they recently caught measles and whooping cough. A few years ago, they caught mumps. To be able to claim that vaccines work, they'd have to work 100% of the time. They don't.
The logic behind vaccination sounds plausible. It mimics the way you get natural immunity. Take smallpox. Put some smallpox in your body, your body attacks it, builds up antibodies, bingo: immunity. It's in the perversion of the science where one finds the root of vaccine evil:
#1. It's one thing to vaccinate against a true deadly virus, like smallpox, another to vaccinate against every little germ that comes along, like swine flu. (Although, truth be told, smallpox was on the way out before the vaccine was invented, so that was even a waste of time. See timelines below.)
Here's the thing: natural immunity lasts forever. Vaccine induced lasts a few years. Many childhood diseases are more severe for adults. If one suffers the disease in childhood, one has little chance of dying from it yet gets lifelong immunity. But get vaccinated and, when immunity runs out and you get the disease, you are more likely to suffer devastating consequences, like death. Risk/benefit.
#2. Vaccines are chock-full of nasty additives: neomycin, formaldehyde, thimerisol (mercury), aluminum, to name a few. And cultivated in unappealing places: tissue from diseased monkey brains, aborted fetal tissue, rotten eggs. You are injecting this crap into your bloodstream.
#3. Americans vaccinate against everything, regardless of risk/benefit. Like Rubella. Rubella causes a mild rash and fever for two days. Rubella only poses a danger to a pregnant woman who may pass it to her fetus. So... why do we give infants two doses of Rubella vaccination? They are literally out of the danger zone. <smh>
And why give four doses of Hep B vaccine to infants when Hep B is only transmitted by blood? Particularly when this vaccination is no longer effective after eight years. Do you reckon your infant will be a drug abuser or prostitute before age 8? In the highly unlikely event your infant needs a blood transfusion, is our blood supply so tainted we can't trust it against Hep B?
An aside: the CDC reports 99,000 U.S. deaths per year from nosocomial infections: infections which are a result of treatment in a hospital, most of which are preventable. The truth is mainstream medicine kills more people than almost anything else, yet we can't wait to bow and scrape at its feet if a new germ appears? Insanity.
#4. Is all this vaccination shutting down our bodies' natural ability to build immunity, leaving us vulnerable? MRSA came about because little germs had to get tough to fight disinfectant in hospitals. We could be setting ourselves up for a real pandemic. Maybe one day we'll all die from the common cold. Or acne.
“Immunisation programs against the flu, measles, mumps, polio, etc., actually may be seeding humans with RNA to form pro-viruses…which under proper conditions become activated and cause a variety of diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus erythematoses, Parkinson’s disease, and cancer. Spare me this ‘medical miracle’.” --Dr. Robert Simpson, Rutgers University, 1987
#5. Aside from undermining our natural ability to build immunity, what is the long term effect of shooting all this poison into our bodies? Oh, what... no studies on that?
I wasn't born wary of vaccination, the FDA, the CDC, Big Pharma, my government and doctors. But trust must be earned and I can't think of a single thing any of those entities have done to earn my trust. Au contraire. The more I know, the less I trust.
If I could quickly share with you everything I've learned since August 2008, I'd do it. But, as a pro-vaccine friend said to me recently when I quoted a tiny bit of data on polio, "You can't just pick 2 or 3 years out of a hat and call it a trend. You need to look at all the data. That is science, not opinion."
Nor can you squeeze over six years of constant study and information overload into a single post. Although I've done my best.
"The CDC would be the last place in the world to go for information regarding health. The CDC is a government bureacracy funded by theft (taxation that has reached confiscatory levels) and run by white collar criminals who regularly misinform and misdirect the public while creating pandemonium in the marketplace (unnecessary destruction of livestock, recalls etc) and conspiring to incite public panic on an almost daily basis, in violation of the Constitution of the United States."--Dr Duffy, Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine
Perhaps you think Dr. D is a little hard on the CDC. Finish this post, follow the links, watch the videos. Then we'll talk.
And science? Forget science, there is no science. I almost LOLed at another friend's link to the CDC because "that's where all the science is." How foolishly we presume the CDC makes recommendations based on science.
There is no vaccine science, much less on the CDC website. None. Hard to believe, I know. Go look, like I and thousands of parents have. You won't find any. In fact, the vaccine truther's current rallying cry is "Show us the science." Should be easy, right?
"My suspicion, which is shared by others in my profession, is that the nearly 10,000 SIDS deaths that occur in the United States each year are related to one or more of the vaccines that are routinely given children. The pertussis vaccine is the most likely villain, but it could also be one or more of the others." --Dr. Mendelsohn, M.D.
Could it really be coincidence that SIDS occurs at the same time as primary vaccinations? So far, "coincidence theory" is what vaccine pushers rely on for proof: "Millions would have died without this vaccine."
But back to me. I have 100s of sites bookmarked: information, documents, yahoo groups, personal stories, videos, podcasts, you name it. The info is dripping out my ears, puzzle pieces painting an unholy alliance, leading to an obvious question:
Is today's vaccination policy rooted in corporate profit or public health?
The profit is ginormous, the corruption well-documented (see below). There is no proof these vaccines are safe or necessary, and a mountain of evidence to the contrary. Call me crazy, but I'm going with evidence.
Both of my sons were born perfectly healthy. One had a a seizure after the first Hep B vaccine. He is fine today. The other mysteriously developed asthma at three. No doctor has a clue why. They know what drugs to prescribe to mask the symptoms. They know how to warn me about the dangers of not taking the drugs. But they don't know why it happened or how to treat it, other than with drugs.
Funny, with a little research on the internet, I learned from other moms how to control asthma with diet, chelation and very little drug intervention! How come no doctor ever took us down this path?
We didn't give any more vaccines after Mo's seizure. I never liked the vaccines, the seizure was scary and I was too disorganized to pay attention to a vaccine schedule. I could have been frightened into giving them all, particularly if the boys had gone to public school. Thank goodness Hal insisted on home schooling.
"Anything that implies that immunisations are not the greatest medical advance in the history of public health is ignored or ridiculed. Can you imagine the economic and political import of discovering that immunisations are killing thousands of babies?" --Dr. Douglass M.D.
The government who helps force these vaccinations upon us refuses to do any meaningful study. Why is that? I say follow the money. If they did a study and found out vaccines cause more harm than good, the backlash would be ginormouser.
Picture Congress being visited by over 3,000,000 enraged mothers (of vaccine damaged kids), then sued, collectively and individually. Yummy.
Here's a taste of where I've been lately. There are 100s more links in my bookmarks folder:
Swine Flu: Cases Overestimated?
There is ton of info on the regular flu vaccine. It has been debunked everywhere and by mainstream medical doctors and nurses. The yearly flu vaccine is effective only in people over 65 and even that is shaky.
Am. Lung Assoc.'s annual PDF handout: Pneumonia and Influenza Trend Report 2015:
"Pneumonia consistently accounts for the overwhelming majority of the combined pneumonia and influenza deaths. In 2013, 53,282 people died from pneumonia and 3,550 people died from influenza." (Page 3)
"he pneumonia and influenza mortality rate is much higher for those aged 65 years and older compared to younger age groups. About 85 percent of all pneumonia and influenza deaths occur in this age group, and it represents the seventh leading cause of death in this age group.(1) Only about 3 percent of pneumonia and influenza deaths occurred in those under age 45." (Page 6)
You can see the actual number of deaths from flu alone and pneumonia alone... miniscule. (Page 7)
CDC on your chance of dying from flu Found at the bottom of the page: "Does CDC think that influenza causes most Pneumonia & Influenza deaths? ANSWER: No, only a small proportion of deaths in either of these two categories are estimated to be influenza-related. CDC estimated that only 8.5% of all pneumonia and influenza deaths and only 2.1% of all respiratory and circulatory deaths were influenza-related."
Why would anyone bother to get a flu shot? Why has the CDC not challenged the "flu kills 36,000 people a year in the U.S" lie? Flu kills almost no one. Pneumonia kills old people. What a scam.
Scandals & wrongfully convicted
On one of the videos listed below (think it's the first one), you'll hear the story of a family that proved their "shaken baby syndrome" was caused by vaccination.
Ian dies after Hep B vaccine, good info. Brace yourself for the photos. If I'd seen this before, no way would I have had my boys vaccinated. Fair warning.
GARDASIL: Barabara Loe Fisher always has the facts.
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Even CBS has questions
The news reports that this teen girl died suddenly due to a tumor, not the Gardasil vaccine given a few hours before. The coroner is saying she would have died that morning regardless of whether or not she received the vaccine? Within 2 hrs of her jab she was dead, but the vaccine is not implicated at all? This is such a fantastic lie, I'm amazed anyone believes it.
If you go to the CDC website and read about Gardasil, you'll see the word "may" everywhere: as in "may" cause cervical cancer, "may" prevent cervical cancer, blah blah blah. They don't know. Or, they are lying.
Here's a little info on Merck, who brings us Gardasil. The case against Merck is so damning, it is hard to believe the CEOs are not in jail.
Largest health care fraud settlement in DOJ history (GSK gets in on that act, too.)
Dumped vaccine and chemical waste in public water supply
Merck's Medicaid "mistakes" in 2008. And -- oops -- again in 2014.
Fosamax: Merck has been rebuked by the FDA many times over Fosamax' safety record. Search "fosamax lawyers lawsuits" and you get pages of lawyers who want to help you sue Merck over Fosamax' damaging side effects.
Hiding negative test results for Vytorin
Skimped on taxes (although the IRS goes after big pockets routinely)
Vioxx 60,000 dead, lawsuits galore yet Merck charged with only a misdemeanor
Recalls 2.1 million doses of childhood vaccine
Drew up a list of doctors to be neutralized for criticizing its drugs
Why would anyone take a drug made by Merck?
FDA & Big Pharma:
Dr. Weil is threatened by the FDA, FTC over immune-boosting supplements. But Merck is allowed to stay in business.
Mercola notes FDA & Big Pharma's cozy relationship
Who's on the FDA's Advisory Committees?
SV40: cancer-causing DNA virus that was - whoops - put into a polio vaccine
POLIO: Already on the way out before vaccine developed: 1952 saw 58,000 cases; 1953 less than 35,000; first vaccine introduced 1955. Google it, it's everywhere.
First places I go for vaccine information:
Barbara Loe Fisher's NVIC.org
Stan Kurtz at GenerationRescue.org (although site is currently being revamped)
Whale.to (a clearinghouse of info so includes the "out there" stuff)
A mom who cured autism with mercury chelation (using Andy Cutler's protocol) and bio-medical intervention and a woman's who teaches how:
We need to force the government to take a hard look at the vaccines they are mandating. Before they really mandate them and take away our choice in the matter.
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent busybodies. The robber barons' cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." --C.S. Lewis
More links here:
Where there are comments, be sure to read them. They are usually from families who do not vaccinate. Their experiences and suggestions are invaluable.
Dr. Mercola on how vaccine policy and the law threaten parental rights.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop's blog post about whether or not to sign a doctor's form about why she does not vaccinate.
Dr. Tenpenney on Facebook, excellent way to stay on top of the latest
Pebble Crossing's blog post about Vaccines: Are they safe and effective?
Meet Karen Kain and hear her daughter's story:
Dr. Patricia Jordan's website The Mark of the Beast. My sentiments exactly: CLICK HERE
Now, for you of the pro-vax crowd, please share your facts and science about how safe and effective vaccines are. I'll be right here.