Weston A Price Foundation, Lexington/Winchester Chapter Meetup!
** Please Note, this is a Winchester Event **
Yep -- really doing it!!! If you are around these here parts, please join us for a Movie Farmageddon, then a Panel Discussion with local farmers!
On Monday 2/25/13, you are invited to the Clark County Library in Winchester from 6:15 to 9pm to meetup with WAPF friends and farmers!
Farmageddon will play from 6:30 to 8pm, then we'll have a Q&A from 8-9. Three local "real food" farmers will help with the Q&A: Will from Wholesome Living Farm, Lynn from Evermore Farms and Dawn from the Double O Farms!
Please plan to join in the fun! FREE movie, FREE parking!
Bring a few business cards for the back table. One of the reasons to have a WAPF (Weston A. Price Foundation) chapter in the Bluegrass is to meet like-minded friends. If we can do business with like-minded friends, all the better!
See you there!
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