Water, Water Everywhere & not a healthy drop to drink...
#1 in the Series on how to GET healthy & STAY there.
The Nutshell Recommendation
Do not ever drink city tap water. Even if there’s no fluoride added, it’s got lots of other toxins in it (explained below).
If you are on a well, test your water before you drink it. (Link in the resources at bottom)
Drink clean water. There are so many options for cleaning your water at home and it seems like more coming online every day… It’s overwhelming to try to sort thru the options and make the best choice which can get to thousands of dollars. To keep it simple, we drink distilled. It’s affordable and clean . Distilling removes all minerals along with the toxins, so we add minerals back in. (You’ll see more detail below.)
The #1 poison is fluoride. Do. Not. Drink. That. Even your toothpaste tube says to call poison control if you swallow it!!! Fluoride is hard to remove from water and a countertop pitcher with a filter won’t do it. Even the Berkey (which we used for years) does not remove all the fluoride. You need machinery.
Clean Living starts with Clean Water
It’s crazy, right? Tap water is filled with chlorine, fluoride, lead, and about a million chemicals, pesticides, herbicides (like glyphosate), and pharmaceuticals which, I guess, no one can do anything about, including the EPA? <majoreyeroll>
I don’t drink it, avoid it like the plague. Real health is not possible if we keep pouring in the toxins, right?
The #1 major problem with tap water is the added fluoride so that is my focus here. This article is an excellent primer on the dangers of fluoride.
You can search for contaminants in your city’s drinking water here but I doubt very much this list is complete. After the EPAs performance in Michigan, I have no confidence in its ability to keep our drinking water clean.
Even if fluoride was the only problem with tap water, that’s enough to make me avoid it. Not only is the type of fluoride added a neurotoxin that decreases your child’s IQ by 2% in the womb, but it’s also actually a waste product from smokestacks.
Yeah. It’s so bad, you can’t even believe it at first. But facts. Here’s a trailer (for this movie) which might be enough info right there to convince anyone to stop drinking the tap water.
See the resources list at the bottom. An overwhelming amount of reading from actual experts, but it doesn’t take much research to verify that you do not ever want to ingest fluoride.
Why is Clean Water Important?
Seems elementary, I know. Not sure that we are 70% water, but every cell in your body has water in it.
Water is everywhere — we use it to cook, bathe, feed our animals, and drink — and we usually don’t think about it. Maybe that’s denial: who wants to think that the water we drink is poison??? Only it is poisoned. By the very people who are supposed to protect us from poisons.
I’m sorry. I wish it weren’t so.
Once I accepted that fact, though, dealing with it got way easier.
Well Water
At our house, we live on well water so we don’t have to deal with fluoride or added anything. BUT farms around us use plenty of glyphosate and the only test for it is so expensive, nobody does it! Not even the companies you can pay to do it! I’m not going to risk drinking glyphosate either. Here’s why. And this. And her book.
More links below to Stephanie Seneff’s research on glyphosate. Stunning that it is still legal. Another example of our protection agencies not protecting us.
Another problem with our well water is that it’s so hard, our faucets are routinely covered in a thick mineral deposit which requires white vinegar to remove (which it does quite easily). And every search result for “how does hard water affect my body?” is negative.
Yes, that is my kitchen sink and just wiped off. So. We don’t drink it.
Distill it: Here’s how we clean our drinking water
Simple: we distill it then add minerals back in. We’ve been doing this for the last 10 years with zero negative consequence. Distilled water is the cleanest you can drink!
That said, drinking distilled without the minerals would be a problem: minerals are super important. So we add them back in!
To distill our water, we have two of the megahome distillers, around $300 each on Amazon. We’ve had one for over 3 years, still going, and just bought the 2nd one a couple of months ago. They are both on porches in the summer because they produce a ton of heat. This is helpful in the winter: then we keep one in the kitchen and one in the pantry.
To re-mineralize the water, we use Trace Mineral Drops, 1/4 tsp per gallon. That links to Amazon but we buy that locally. In Lexington, we buy the store brand at Robert’s Health Food Store. Same as Trace :)
Doesn’t Fluoride Prevent Tooth Decay?
There is no hard evidence that it does, just faulty studies. Meanwhile, there is PLENTY of evidence that it does more harm than good! But if you want to use fluoride, then use fluoridated toothpaste and don’t swallow it because it’s poison. It says so right on the tube!!!
But it’s ok to add to our drinking water supply? Color me confused.
Weston A. Price and many other experts on dental health say there is no evidence brushing & flossing do anything to help prevent decay. It’s ALL in the diet.
From this article on the Weston A. Price website:
Dr. Page’s discovery is that tooth decay is the result of a biochemical disturbance of the calcium- phosphorous ratio. This imbalance reverses the flow of nutrients through the three miles per tooth of microscopic dental tubules. When minerals are taken from the tooth, “it is quite possible that the body is sacrificing the minerals in the teeth for use by the vital organs.” “Lack of adequate nutrition causes physical degeneration and tooth decay is the result of physical degeneration.” With this understanding, different dietary choices can be made.
From the IAOMT (International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology) website, “Dr. Price on Tooth Decay”:
Abstract: Oral cleanliness is not the best known means for the control of dental caries because:
(I) It is not Nature's method.
(II) Immunity and susceptibility can be clinically altered at will by modifying the nutrition.
(III) The controlling factors for immunity can be shown to be in the saliva and can be traced from plants to animal tissues.
(IV) Tooth decay is not a disease, but a symptoms, like many other degenerative processes
There’s this article on success using diet to heal tooth decay.
And this from one of my favorite mommy bloggers ever, Traditional Cooking School (formerly Gnowglins):
Simply put, there are 4 main causes of tooth decay. Research from Dr. Weston A. Price, Dr. Edward Mellanby, and Ramiel Nagel proves these 4 causes:
A mineral-deficient diet — specifically calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus
A diet deficient in fat-soluble vitamins — vitamins A, D, E, and K2
Too many foods containing phytates or phytic acid — non-soaked/non-sprouted/non-fermented nuts, seeds, grains, and legumes
Too many processed foods, including sugar.
Is Bottled Better?
When away from home, I get the best glass of bottled water available. In restaurants, I will bring in my drink in a glass travel bottle, usually with an energy fizz. Nobody has ever stopped me.
First point: it’s only better in GLASS bottles. Plastics leach BPA as well as little tiny pieces of plastic into your water and food. (And that BPA-free chemical is even worse.)
You do have to make sure your bottled water does not contain fluoride. Here’s what the CDC says about bottled water:
My current fav bottled water
It’s San Pellegrino in glass bottles. It’s $1/bottle at Costco and we drink a bottle a day between my husband and me. He has his with vodka :), I have mine with a fizz, omg, it’s crazy good. NOBODY could continue drinking poison soda if they tried this!!!
SP does contain fluorine but no toxic waste is added. Plus it is calcium fluorine: the calcium helps mitigate the fluorine. I can live with that, although I am searching the bottled water database for carbonated water with lower levels of fluoride.
Bear in mind, that many bottled waters have other toxins in them. At least SP appears to be all-natural, bottled at the source.
How Much to Drink?
I don’t follow the “drink half your body weight in ounces” a day theory. I drink when I’m thirsty which is your body’s way of telling you to drink something. I’m rarely thirsty… I drink my smoothie (32 ounces of raw milk + water) and at least one 32 oz fizz (made with San Pellegrino). I pee a LOT and it’s clear so I’m good :)
Remember, too much water can kill you so be careful out there <eyeroll>. The thing is, poisoned water kills you slowly and you can never quite pin your illness and death on it. It’s so simple to clean it, I’m making the effort. Join me!
Thank you for being part of my clean living tribe. Birthdays welcome :) xo Sally
We get our water tested at Radiant Life. We did take our water to the nearby college in a farming community to get it tested. Turns out, they only test for ecoli. That’s it. When we asked about testing for glyphosate, the employee — a college student — asked, “What’s glyphosate?”
A good place to start: Fluoridation the Fraud of the Century: https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/environmental-toxins/fluoridation-the-fraud-of-the-century/
Seneff on glyphosate: this recent podcast, and this one, this article (same as above)... If you search “seneff glyphosate” you get LOTS of results including research published on PubMed.
Fluoride: this movie, this movie, this article — the entire website is dedicated to the dangers of fluoride
Database of bottled water: https://truthaboutfluoride.com/bottled-water-without-fluoride/
If you want to dig in: Fluoride chat https://poisonfluoride.com/phpBB3/index.php
My glass travel water bottle, love this one, aff link: https://amzn.to/3kRBIIr