Action Alert: Stop the FDA from Banning another Supplement

My mom takes vinpocetine and it has greatly improved her brain function. A vinpocetine ban would be literally harmful to her brain health in these very important years. I intend to take it in my later years. It is a remarkable supplement with tons of research, both scientific and anecdotal, supporting its use. Click here for the research on Vinpocetine. Life Extension has alerted us to the FDA's intention to remove vinpocetine from the marketplace by November 7th, 2016, essentially banning it. Wait till you read why at the link below! It is completely insane. Maybe they need to take vinpocetine?
Click here to oppose the FDA's vinpocetine ban.
Takes less than a minute, there's a comment already written for you to use.
This is part of a larger plan to remove many safe and effective dietary supplements under the FDA's draft New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) guidelines.
Read about the FDA's ban on B6 and why. It wanted to remove the word "folate" from supplement labels and allow only the term "folic acid" which is the synthetic version of folate (even though folic acid has known risks). Here's Whole New Mom's article on the topic of the FDA's banning of supplements. Is the FDA looking out for consumers? Who benefits from these actions?
Take a sec right now and oppose this move to ban vinpocetine. My mom is 86 years young and vinpocetine has made a noticeable difference in her brain health. Don't let the FDA ban it for virtually no reason at all!
If you have friends in Australia or the U.K., ask them how their limited access to ordinary supplements is working for them. On my health forums, I hear from them all the time: "How can I get this or that here? Our government banned it."
Here's my comment (which is the sample comment with my addition about my mom in the 3rd paragraph): I am submitting this comment to the FDA regarding FDA’s unscientific and illegal attempt to remove an effective and safe dietary supplement from the market. The name of the supplement is vinpocetine. If you enter “vinpocetine” into the National Library of Medicine’s database ( you will see over 600 scientific references describing the health benefits this periwinkle-based product has been shown to confer. Americans have been safely using vinpocetine since the 1980s. My mom takes vinpocetine. It's a cheap supplement and has greatly improved her brain function. The FDA’s attempt to remove it is a flagrant violation of the Administrative Procedures Act and Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA). Moreover, removal of vinpocetine will endanger the health of Americans who take this supplement daily to protect against neurodegeneration. If Americans are denied access to vinpocetine, healthcare costs will skyrocket as circulatory deficits to the brains of aging Americans will increase vascular and Alzheimer’s dementia risk. I hereby petition the FDA to remove from the Federal Register its intention to ban vinpocetine by November 7th, 2016. I am aware that the FDA’s desire to remove vinpocetine is part of a larger plan to remove many safe and effective dietary supplements under the FDA draft New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) guidelines. I respectfully ask the agency to extend the comment period for the NDI draft guidance. This complex document raises a number of critical issues that will have detrimental effects on consumer access to dietary supplements. The public must have ample time to formulate substantive comments in advance of the agency preparing its final guidance. I ask that my comments be included and considered by the FDA under the Administrative Procedures Act as it relates to the lifesaving importance of vinpocetine remaining freely and affordably available. I also petition for the FDA to do a cost/benefit analysis, as required by the Administrative Procedures Act, so the public and Congress knows the adverse economic impact that will occur if the citizenry is deprived of this brain protecting compound. </end>
We must oppose the FDA's vinpocetine ban and nip these actions in the bud.
Thank you! And good morning :)

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