The Endgame
Well, it ain’t the hokey pokey. I rather wish it were. Here’s what I believe it’s all about, how I found out, and the solutions to stopping it.
What’s it all about?
Could the vaccine really be the endgame? That’s what most of us thought back in March 2020 when this began. But there were pieces that didn’t jive. Like what would be the point to a global vax campaign other than massive profits? This made sense on the face of it, but once you scratched the surface, it did not compute. Seemed like a LOT of effort for a few billion $ when they already had more billions than they could spend in the next few generations.
Control was obviously part of the plan. But this was just for two weeks, right? Which turned into a few more weeks… Remember when martial law was declared in Boston after the bomb at the 2013 Marathon and we all went crazy with soldiers in the streets? Then it ended. We thought we’d let them know we weren’t going to sit around while they took our guns. They tried it, failed, done.
Honestly, I think most of us believed TPTB would quickly see this lockdown/mask thing wasn’t going to work either. We would not comply and it would be over.
Looking back, we didn’t pushback nearly hard enough for nearly long enough. A lot of us didn’t comply, didn’t wear a mask ever, hung out with friends, we even hugged. But while we were trying to be nice, give our friends the benefit of the doubt, the fear porn had a chance to take hold. Like a hungry boa constrictor.
The true endgame has nothing to do with the vaccine or a virus. And the vaccine passport is not about the vaccine and keeping us safe… yep, Captain Obvious here.
It’s about control. Massive, out-of-control control.
And it IS all about money, just not like we thought. For starters, it’s NOT about profits but about neatly covering up the global financial collapse that is finally coming (see Maaj and Dowd videos below).
Forcing us into a cashless society is a good start and happening now: stores “out of change”, venues going cashless, faster checkout for using cards, etc. If we are cashless, we won’t get to witness the dollar becoming more and more useless. Whole ‘nother discussion, but this falls into place perfectly.
Red Herring
The vax passport is the red herring. The terrified are desperate for it to save themselves and grandma. <eyeroll> But it’s not really about that, is it?
The vax passport is the gateway to a digital ID which will keep your Driver’s License, other licenses and permissions, passport, passwords all conveniently in one place: an app on your phone or a chip in your body. Both are in the works. You are already seeing commercials for the digital ID, commiserating with you about how hard it is to have to remember and type in passwords, right? And to tote around all that heavy paperwork like your DL?
Once the digital ID is in place, it will conveniently morph into a social credit system. You know, like China has. You are logged in all the time either via a chip embedded in your body or an app on your phone (that you can’t turn off or delete).
When you want to buy or do something, you scan the QR code on the item/entrance. If TPTB don’t approve it, they simply turn off your liquor milk, movie, skating or gym privileges.
Don’t fret, liquor is essential.
Sounds far-fetched, right? It did to me, but this system is well established in China. This is how the ordinary Chinese person lives: always logged in, doing/buying only with permission.
Just today, my bank put a hold on my debit card because of 3 transactions it didn’t “recognize”. I called and OKed the charges, they released. But what if THEY didn’t OK the charges? The system is in place.
What we didn’t know
We didn’t know exactly how powerful and well organized the perps were.
We seriously did not realize what a powerful motivator fear is. Nor that once people were terrified enough, no amount of data, science or reason could interrupt that fear.
That level of fear is an actual thing, akin to a psychosis. Desmond Mattias explains it as “mass formation” (video below).
We had to set aside convincing the 30% of Americans who are terrified, even though we all have friends and family in that group. But we didn’t know how lost they are to the fear, and it’s heartbreaking.
Time is short. We needed to band together NOW with the rest of our awake 30% who clearly see what’s going on (thank you, Pam Popper and MAFA!).
From here, we create our own parallel society, strengthen our tribe, and keep educating the 40% of Americans who are still curious and thinking critically.
But this isn’t enough.
So, no, it’s not about the vaccine. That was simply the vehicle to get people to comply with their saviors so they would fall in line for the actual endgame: the social credit system. The Obedience Passport (TOP).
Once that is in place, the power & control grab is complete. As long as you obey, you get stuff you want need. Disobey and you don’t, simple as that.
Since I manage a food buying club — picking up clean, naturally raised food from farmers and delivering to club members — farmers come to mind. Doesn’t seem like there will be food buying clubs with TOP. Only farmers who follow the rules will be allowed to produce food for anyone, right? TOP will be turned off for local farmers who insist of raising meat (bad for climate, right?) and practicing sustainable agriculture.
This won’t happen the first week, of course. I have no doubt it WILL happen.
How I found out
I’ve been reading, watching, listening pretty relentlessly for 2 years. I have a massive list of links that I saved for about 6 months, then had to stop. It was just too much to keep up with, the info was coming in way too fast & furious.
Here are the three most important videos I’ve seen recently convincing me the social credit system is the endgame. These may not be enough to convince YOU unless you have been on this path for awhile. If I were hearing these ideas for the first time, I’d think “these guys are nuts”.
I assure you they are anything but.
Maaj on Joe Rogan. This is 3 hours long and worth every minute. Rogan says: “Maajid Nawaz is a former Islamist turned counter-extremism activist, author of multiple books, and public speaker.” I say Maaj is intelligent, articulate, has lived a life we would NOT want to live, and is most definitely an insider. We listened in 30-45 minute chunks and are now listening again. While I don’t agree with all of his politics, his insights are powerful, informative, he backs up every claim with resources at his fingertips. NOT his first rodeo.
Edward Dowd on The Highwire with Del Bigtree. Again, an insider with a perspective none of us could have. His mission is sounding the alarm and revealing exactly what is happening. I’ve heard him on several podcasts at this point. Del says: “Former BlackRock Portfolio Manager, Edward Dowd, gives Del an explosive financial perspective about everything from why he believes Pfizer and Moderna committed fraud during their clinical trials, to the dam that is breaking on the concealment of covid vaccine injuries and deaths.” So looking forward to the dam breaking.
Desmet Mattias on The Defender Podcast with RFK, Jr. I had never heard of anything like this but it explains everything I didn’t understand about fear and mob psychology. RFK says: “Mass formation, also known as mob psychology or crowd psychology, is the study of how individual behavior is influenced by a large group of people. RFK Jr discusses mass formation in this episode with Dr. Mattias Desmet, author of The Psychology of Totalitarianism.”
What are our solutions?
We must prevent this endgame. Because if a social credit system is allowed to be established, then getting out of it will take a revolution. The dead serious kind.
For starters, how do we stop a cashless society? One that is already well underway? As far as actual cash, regardless of constitutional authority, banks will do what they are told. In fact, some have already started with a digital ID.
There’s always bartering but we don’t want to be reduced to ONLY this, do we? We want to live freely in a free society.
One thing I know for sure when it comes to health, food, liberty: convenience is one of Their most effective tools. We are slaves to convenience and they know it. We must break the convenience habit.
As far as solutions, investigative reporter Corey Lynn has done much of the heavy lifting. Here are 3 links to get us started:
First to Catherine Austin Fitts’ link sharing Corey’s 4-part series on stopping it all. (Fitts is remarkable, too, btw.)
Click here for Corey’s 22 ways to stop vax passports.
This is Corey’s site with an entire section on solutions! This is the science library for redpilling. I’ll be digging in here for the next few days.
What else?
How do you think we stop this? Hit reply or comment below. We need ideas.
Excellent article!! I'm glad to have some important resources linked in one place. I, too, have tried to follow things closely for the last two years. Creating a parallel society, which many of us are already doing, is not only productive and life-giving, but perhaps the only way to go right now.
This is an important source for understanding - and resisting - the Endgame of social engineering. I for one am hooked into Sally's tribe and doubly committed to staying away from and out of the social system Sally calls the Endgame. Thanks for your diligence in researching and documenting the pernicious takeover by the elites.