There are many, many thousands of us who knew the Covid story was suspect waaaaaaay before even the alternative media caught on.
Ok, maybe Alex Jones knew before us :)
If you’ve ever had a whiff of the silent tyranny the US government is capable of (the story of our whiff is here), you smelled a rotten egg at the beginning of this Fear & Vaccination Campaign.
My husband and I sure did. We’ve had so many whiffs, we are suspicious even before investigating at all. And, not to brag, but our distrust is confirmed by the truth (when and if it comes out) 99% of the time. Maybe even 100% but who’s keeping score?
Here’s my swine flu pandemic post from 2009. Hmmm, looks like the same playbook as Covid. Not surprising since RFK’s book outlines how Fauci was deep into this fiasco, too.
From the first videos of Chinese people dying horrible deaths on the streets (here), being torn from their homes by people in nuclear fallout gear (here), dead bodies in hospital halls (here), spraying down the streets with a gas that’s probably more deadly than the virus (here), the early fear mongering (here & here & omg too many links to post), the normalizing of fear, masks & temperature guns (here)… well, Hal’s and my red flag meters went off. BIG & LOUD.
Evidence is mounting that our suspicious are founded.
The vaccine is deadly, coronavirus is not for 99.985% of us. In fact, it’s no more deadly than the flu and not at all deadly for kids. Not to minimize the loss, but the very few children “killed by Covid” were on their death beds already.
Old or young, every death is a loss. But Covid deaths are wildly exaggerated on the side of “everyone should be afraid TERRIFIED of dying”. Tragically, the propaganda worked and is STILL working. The general public is so terrified of coronavirus, they are still wearing masks (proven not to work), quarantining (ditto), social distancing (ditto), and lining up for a vaccine that is untested and is IN FACT killing and injuring more people than it’s saving.
Truth is, it doesn’t save anyone after 12 weeks. And only the elderly have any protection at all from serious illness and only for that 12 weeks.
Being protected from serious illness is the current justification for getting an experimental jab that does NOT prevent transmission or infection. I. Can’t. Even.
Did you know that:
the average age of those who have died is 85?
95% of the dead had 4+ co-morbidities*? This info comes from a variety of lawsuits from sources I consider unimpeachable, top of the list is the AFLDS.
That first CV post
NOTES: the video link must have been spot on because YouTube deleted it. I don’t remember now what it was. Never did I think in a million years YouTube would start censoring. I’m suspicious AND naive. The link to my daily supplements is here. And my KISS Covid Protocol is here.
I’m putting together a folder of the March posts. Nobody else really cares but I’m enjoying the fact that… that… ok: that I was right. My paranoid and suspicious nature comes in handy sometimes. At least it has stopped me from injecting myself and my loved ones with what Zelenko calls “the poison death shot” (excellent video, btw).
*A co-morbidity is something that is already killing you but hasn’t yet. A flu (like Covid) or pneumonia is most often the very thing that pushes you over the edge into death.
Ironically, pneumonia is referred to as an ancient’s best friend because it saves you from a lingering death. I’m of the age where I can understand that. My 96yo grandmother laid in bed for months, waiting to die, till pneumonia finally took her. It was not a tragedy, it was a relief.
And, just for fun :) Heaven knows, I drank enough Boone’s Farm to kill me…