If you are looking for the heavy metal detox, click here :)
The Nutshell Recommendation
Grab a bottle of Activated Charcoal on Amazon or anywhere with a supplement section: Kroger, Walmart, or any large chain grocery store will sell this.
Take 2 in the afternoon 30 minutes away from food and two hours away from meds, and supplements.
Take with a LARGE glass of water or your Fizz (it will absorb the nutrients in the fizz though).
Do this 2-4 times a week for the last two weeks of the cleanse. If you had cancer or were starting a serious protocol, I’d say every day :) But 2-4 times each week will do for this reset. (Hal and I do 3-4x/week when detoxing!) If you are not doing a cleanse, but feeling sluggish, try 2-4x for a week.
Drink plenty of water. Because AC is great for diarrhea, constipation is a possibility (although I’ve never had that result and never known anyone who did). So you should not suffer any constipation, but if you do, stop taking the AC, and drink plenty of water till regular again.
Um, your poop will be black :)
Why Take This?
Because AC is perfect for mopping up any toxins released by the cleanse! Toxins are stored in body fat. When you lose any fat, those toxins are released into the body and can make you feel sick. This is the explanation for weight loss flu (like keto flu): toxins released back into your body as fat is used up.
It also works in reverse: releasing toxins helps you lose weight. Your body will hold on to fat to protect you from the toxins. Smart body :) Detoxing allows your body to release the fat!
Poison control centers use AC first thing to stop the effects of poisons. More info here on Activated Charcoal.
Why Detox in the First Place???
It makes no sense to eat or drink something that makes you sick, then call that a “detox reaction.” But that’s exactly what happens when you begin to seriously detox. Which we all MUST do these days to get healthy!
Here are a few other things that make no sense:
the EPA puts a known neurotoxin (fluoride) in the water that every one MUST drink (the first nationwide forced medical treatment);
it also adds a second neurotoxin (chlorine) to “clean” the water;
the USDA makes farmers who farm CLEANLY fill out paperwork, pay fees, be subject to inspections and meet “standards”, while farmers who mono-culture GMO crops destroying the soil are free from all that harassment and ALSO get subsidies from taxpayer funds;
some say the gov is trying to change the weather by spraying known neurotoxins — aluminum, strontium, barium — that create clouds to block the sun; said chemicals also land ON (thereby IN) us;
the FDA does no testing on drugs it must approve but, instead, relies on the manufacturer of the drug (that will make billions) to do the testing and tell the FDA whether or not the new drug is safe;
the CDC sets the vaccine schedule while it also profits from vaccines by holding patents;
the media has universally shut down the scientific debate among scientists on the most dangerous pandemic in our lifetimes.
That’s a good start to “things that don’t make sense”.
Something else that makes no sense is that 50 years ago, detox was not a thing. People went to spas to RELAX.
Today, however, we live in a toxic soup. A few examples besides the known neurotoxins in our water,
Forever chemicals from our non-stick frying pans have poisoned us.
Notice that we know all the above, yet they are all still LEGAL, FOR SALE, NO CONSEQUENCE for the companies that profit from these items.
It’s infuriating to wake up and discover how true this is. I knew it all certainly but it never landed as it did during the C19 Years. So many things landed HARD then.
Detox is a Necessity
And, until we can clean up the ABC agencies that are supposed to be protecting us from toxins, it is a pretty constant necessity.
So what to do?
Detox can be complicated but it doesn’t have to be to start. It gets more complicated if you are diagnosed with a specific health challenge; we’re doing our best to NOT ever get there!
What are Other Detox Methods
There are too many to list, but these below are the ones I use (besides AC).
I’m not into commercial cleanse formulas or powerful liver/gallbladder cleanses because these are generally very hard on the body. I’ve done them, but I won’t again. My 3 favorites are here because they are GENTLE and EFFECTIVE.
If you have heavy metal toxicity (from vaccines or dental amalgams mostly) or any long-term exposure to very dangerous toxins (i.e. Love Canal type scenario), a nano-zeolite spray is an excellent option. Here’s info on nano-zeolite and the product I use. We still use this today.
Coffee enemas help cleanse the liver, your body’s largest and most powerful detox organ.
As always, please ask questions either in the comments or just hit reply. Thank you for being in my tribe, I appreciate you!!! xo Sally