Suggestions for a friend ❤
A few basics for a return to homeostasis (where our bodies yearn to be).
I’m sorry that there aren’t more links to share resources. Google has managed to scrub search results so that the only “health” results are all ConMed (conventional medicine). ConMed knows nothing about nutrition and will never associate your state of health with what you do or don’t put in your mouth or on your body. Dentists are even worse.
The Premise Shared by Wholistic Practitioners Everywhere:
Dis-ease doesn’t fall from the sky. It develops. The causes are a variety of lifestyle choices. These are either ill-informed choices we made because we didn’t know better, or choices made for us as in the case of water fluoridation or a Love Canal scenario.
To reverse dis-eases, we reverse the lifestyle choices and practice different, healthier ones.
The biggest challenge is in figuring out which lifestyle choice caused the problem, and where to start. Truth is it’s usually a variety of choices, so we start with the basics.
How it Works
If you are downstairs and a bathtub overflows upstairs, you run up there, and… what do you do first?
You turn off the tub and stop the water from flowing in.
Then you pull the plug and let the water escape.
Then you clean up the bathroom.
We do the same with any toxic overload in our bodies. The water represents the toxins: first stop them coming in, then detox the ones that are already in, get them out, and then clean up your body.
Following are 3 suggestions.
Commit to them till your next scan, and see how you feel.
WARNING: if/when you tell your doctor about these suggestions, he will laugh, then warn you off. Just know that millions of healthy people do all this and much, much more and that nobody ever died from a supplement.
Doctors get 2 hours (max) of nutrition training in all their years of medical school. They know nothing about how to get healthy; they only learn how to suppress symptoms using meds, the side effects of which kill almost a million people every year. And that’s when those meds are used as directed!
It’s also good to remember that not only did they NOT get any health education, but they also have not done any reading since they graduated, except for medical journals which are written by pharmaceutical companies.
So. Moving on!
#1 Start with Water
Drink clean water.
City tap water is not clean: it’s filled with fluoride (a neurotoxin), chlorine (ditto), all manner of meds people have flushed that (apparently) can’t be cleaned out, herbicides and pesticides, and forever chemicals. That’s just for starters.
Distilled water + mineral drops is my best recommendation for clean water. It is affordable, simple, and clean. We’ve been drinking distilled water for a decade with no negative consequences, and only after a ton of research. We also cook with distilled because heat intensifies the fluoride. Fluoride is poison.
We use this home distiller and these mineral drops.
We have 2 distillers. One is kept on the porch and one on the dryer in the laundry room. They are turned on at night so we don’t hear them and aren’t bothered by the heat they produce. (In the winter, we keep them in the house!)
Because your kidneys are not keeping up, I highly discourage drinking any water bottled in plastic. Please don’t buy distilled water in plastic jugs. It’s easier than distilling your own, but that is not clean water because plastic leaches chemicals into the water.
A glass travel bottle is affordable, I like this one.
I’m not down with the “drink a gallon of water a day” theory. Let thirst be your guide, but ALWAYS answer the call!
#2 Supplements
I’m not sure if you currently take supplements but here are six that I believe will get you good results with regard to your specific challenges.
Start with these 4:
Niacin — This is a good potency to start. You are going to work up to 500 mg VERY SLOWLY. Take 1 pill (50 mg) and see if you get a flush: red face, red skin, tingly, itchy. The flush is GREAT for circulation and detox, but it can be unpleasant. A flush lasts 30-60 minutes. If you do flush, wait till the next day to take another one. If you don’t flush or the flush is mild, take a pill at lunch. Once you take enough niacin to get a good flush, stop there and take that amount until you no longer flush. Then add another pill. When the bottle is empty, move up in strength till you are up to 500 mg a day. You can take it with food and other supplements, however you want.
Vitamin C — This is liposomal C which means it is encased in fat and you can take and absorb more than regular C. Take 1 a day and work up to 2-3 a day, 1 or 2 in the am, the rest at night. C can make you “go” but lipo C should not. Still, take it slow just in case. Can take it with everything else.
Selenium 200 mcg — Take 1 pill/day, can take it with everything.
Zinc for lung & prostate health 50 mg — Take 1 pill with dinner every night. Zinc helps you sleep. (Best to take with food, otherwise, zinc can cause a bit of nausea.) Can take it with everything.
After one week on those 4 supplements:
Add Iodine. You want to work up to 50 mg/day: take 1 pill a day for the first week, then add a second pill, etc, till you are up to 4 a day. When you run out, move up in strength. Iodine can cause a detox reaction, like a headache, flu-like symptoms, a rash… This is because it will detox all the halides from your thyroid: fluoride, bromine, and chlorine. Those are all neurotoxins the guvmint has allowed in our food, water, and clothing. Can take it with everything but take it in the am, iodine can give you an energy boost! This is a great book on why we need to supplement with iodine. PS. Iodine is one your doctor will scream about. Ignore him till August :) Maybe give him the book to read.
The 2nd week:
Add Copper. Start with this 3mg and work up to 12 mg (4 pills). Copper detoxes fluoride from your entire body (not just your thyroid) so you may suffer detox with this one, too. So go very slowly, only moving up to the next pill when you have no detox reaction. This is the book on Copper, very thorough research. You can take it with everything but take this in the am, too, for the same reason: it can energize you! FYI, your doc will have a fit with one, too.
#3 Mop Up the Toxins
Because you will detox with iodine and copper, you want to get those toxins out. Activated Charcoal is perfect for this — poison control centers use AC first thing to stop the effects of poisons. That’s how good it is at “mopping up”!
In a nutshell:
Grab a bottle of Activated Charcoal on Amazon or anywhere with a supplement section: Kroger, Walmart, or any large chain grocery store will sell this.
Take 2 in the afternoon 30 minutes away from food and two hours away from meds, and supplements.
Take with a large glass of water.
Do this at least 2-4 times a week, whatever you are comfortable with.
Because AC is great for diarrhea, constipation is a possibility (although I’ve never had that result and never known anyone who did). So you should not suffer any constipation, but if you do, stop taking the AC, and drink plenty of water till regular again.
Um, your poop will be black :)
More info here on Activated Charcoal.
That’s it. Three simple suggestions :) Ask any questions, my dear friend. We need you with us in full vigor and health!!! xo Sally
I am not a doctor. I am a certified functional health coach and relentless health researcher. You can read my credentials here.
I am also either an affiliate, distributor, or wholesaler for many items I suggest. I use or have used everything. I recommend a ton of products to family, friends & clients. Everyone is still alive and 90% of them love and use my recommendations.
But I am still not a doctor. Please take my advice and recommendations at your own risk. I’ve never hurt or killed anyone which, btw, doctors routinely do. Thank you for your support — that means the world to me and I appreciate you!
Thank you for reading :)
My blog is sponsored by clean, healthy supplements, energy & beauty products. I am extremely cautious about what I recommend. If health & beauty without harm to you, the planet or any of its critters is important, visit my Arbonne account! Or hit reply, tell me what clean products you are looking for, I will help you get the best deal.
Featured products from insanely principled companies:
my energy fizz (yes, I’m an addict)
no-taste-ever desiccated organ meats (because we just don’t eat enough of ‘em)
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