Slipping over the Precipice
For NYE this year, I sent an email to my Family and several of my closest, oldest Friends urging them to research before getting the Covid jab. They all got it anyway but I am glad I followed my heart, no regrets. Maybe I planted a seed, at least no one can ever say I didn’t warn them. Here’s the email:
Dear Friend,
Well, here we slipping over the precipice into 2022. Yes, to us, it’s a precipice. After considering ourselves the lucky family from the start of it, we’ve had almost 3 years of a rude awakening to reality.
The experts say life can do a 180 in a split second. True dat. It’s why all the wise people say, “Cherish every moment. Don’t go to bed angry. Forgive first.” All that stuff. Like you, we’d heard it, believed it, lived it as best we could… Let’s just say this has all moved way up on our priority list.
We can’t control other people’s thoughts, beliefs, feelings, decisions. Even when we raised them. We can pilot our own plane, we just can’t control other pilots, the air traffic controller or even the airplane mechanics.
We learned all this the very hard way. If you are reading this, you know how. You know because you are very important to us.
Shortly after Mo died, we wondered how we were going to continue to live with this crushing grief? Not that our suicide was ever truly an option, but living as though we were dead and had suffered such a blow certainly was. We knew we didn't want that, but how to live through it? No clue. My homeopath shared potent grief remedies, another friend shared an essential oil potion. A friend who had suffered the same thing shared insights. Everyone shared love. We sobbed a LOT. Our fervent desire to come out the other side propelled us forward, putting one foot in front of the other, never wallowing -- you quickly learn that is not the path to recovery. We felt guilty when we started containing the grief, like we were on the path to forgetting Mo, deserting him. But we couldn't live there. That was not living and we have so much to live for. We still break down a little everyday. Mo is everywhere. We love him, we miss him so much, we are so so mad at him. Forgiving is hard.
And here we are.
All we can do is live our lives as principally as possible. We choose to do so “out loud” with the aim to influence, educate, entertain others in our circles.
Because you are important to us, we share the following. There is no expectation here, only a fervent hope that you will listen, look, read with an open mind.
The other reason we see a precipice is because we believe 2022 will be an extremely difficult year for our American way of life.
Some of you know we are vax-free and have been for years, ever since 1995 when Mo had a stroke after his first Hep B vaccine. Around the same time, Ryan “got” asthma out of the blue. Doctors could not explain either one. Nor could we, but definitely no more shots for Mo, so none for Ryan either.
As far as the Covid shot, there is nothing short of a double-blind, placebo controlled study proving its safety and efficacy that could convince us to go for it. Besides, we’ve had Covid and, so far, we have robust and complete immunity, including to all variants.
None of our tribe ever participated in the lockdowns, mask mandates or social distancing. Our lives continued as they always had. We enjoyed hugs, large meetings, dinners at restaurants that did not enforce masks, parties at each other’s homes.
Very few of us got Covid that first year, more of us did in 2021. We all stocked up on Dr. Pierre Kory’s (Ivermectin) and Zelenko’s (HCQ) protocols. You can see what’s entailed here: All of our tribe, including us, survived using this protocol. It even works for “long Covid”.
Our “tribe” is huge, btw. So far, there are a couple thousand who have come together in KY, over a million across the U.S., and billions around the world.
We didn’t come to our views after reading an article in Cosmo :) Nor will you hear any of it on the Pfizer-owned mainstream media. If you don’t think media responds to its biggest advertisers, then you don’t get to complain about politicians owned by their lobbyists. We all know both are true.
The fact is, we now have 2 years of data, research, and studies along with thousands of doctors, scientists, researchers, investigators and medical professionals who have done deep dives into the virus, the solutions offered by government (lockdowns, masks, vaccines) vs. those offered by alternative sources (early treatment, natural immunity).
We are in the alternative group because that is the solution saving lives and preventing death. Here are 3 examples of how we got here:
1. This is Dr. Peter McCullough, the most published Covid expert in the world, being interviewed by Joe Rogan.
2. Del Bigtree was an award-winning producer for 6 years on CBS’ “The Doctors”. He now produces a weekly 2-hour news program. This is his interview with Mikki Willis about the unprecedented censorship taking place today across all forms of information sharing and communication.
3. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wrote “The Real Anthony Fauci” ( Hal is reading it, I’m listening to it on Audible; the Kindle version is only $2.99. If you are interested in documented facts about “America’s doctor”, you’ll find them here. RFK includes thousands of references.
We’d love you to look, listen, read, then to hear your feedback. Again, we have no expectation — we are so passionate about what is happening in our nation and to the division being encouraged, we wanted to share our POV. No elephant in the rooms, pink or otherwise! And, if you have info to share with us, please send. We promise to listen, look, read with an open mind.
Ok, oversharing done!
So, here we are on the precipice, deciding what we will make of 2022. And, whether or not we agree on the state of the world, we are grateful to have you in our lives.
Our other fervent hope is that you (and we) manifest abundance in all things good in 2022!
Love, Hal & Sally