Recipe: Simple Sprouted Wheat Flour Pancakes
With real butter, Grade B maple syrup and a nice fat fried egg, sunny side up, from our backyard chickens on top. Could it possibly get any better than this? I don't think so.
Plus, these pancakes are so easy, even I could make them. Here's how:
Simple Sprouted Wheat Flour Pancakes
♥ 2 Cups sprouted wheat flour ♥ 2 eggs (from your backyard chickens, of course) ♥ Milk, enough to make the batter flow, about a cup, adding slowly. We use raw milk -- love that stuff! ♥ 1/2 tsp. real salt ♥ 3-4 Tbs ghee ♥ 1/4 tsp almond extract (optional) ♥ 1/2 tsp baking soda
Mix to batter consistency using more or less milk. We like a thicker consistency. Fry in 1 Tbs unrefined coconut oil* for every 4 pancakes. This is what makes the nice brown crunchy outside.
Serve with plenty of butter (rBGH and hormone free) and organic maple syrup. I fried an egg and put it on top of everything -- my own personal slam. Manna from heaven, if you ask me.
Mo thinks so, too. He wouldn't stop eating long enough for me to take a picture. Give this a shot and let me know how it works for you, ok? Thanks!
*Search "unrefined coconut oil" in the search box to find it quickly!