Ron Paul: Possible High-Profile Endorsements
Why would a real food blogger vote for Ron Paul? Because he is for food freedom and he's the ONLY candidate. He consistently votes against "food safety" laws. He would abolish the FDA and the USDA, both criminal organizations that work to support the corporations they silently openly represent under the guise of keeping us safe.
Because Ron Paul is right now sponsoring a bill to allow the sale of raw milk across state lines. Because I want to leave the world a better place for my kids: a world of peace, a prosperous world. Like most moms, I am willing to do whatever it takes to have that happen. The easiest of which was to change my voter registration from D to R so I can vote for the only person in the race fighting for the same things I am. So...
Who can we encourage to publicly endorse Ron Paul for President 2012?
An alphabetical list of possible endorsers is here on the blog. If you want to download a list, it's here in Excel or in PDF.*
If you know who has already publicly endorsed Ron Paul for President 2012, please share in the comments along with a link to the endorsement and I will update the list with that info. Thanks!
How to Convince High-Profilers to Endorse Ron Paul for President 2012
1. Write/Call/Facebook and Ask him/her to endorse Ron Paul! Zak Carter wrote up a sample letter on the Daily Paul and gave permission to use all or parts. I edited it to make it more generic. Feel free to edit to make it more YOU:
I’m writing to you today as a grassroots supporter of Ron Paul for President 2012. Ron Paul’s unwavering message of limited government, sound money, personal liberty, a non-interventionist foreign policy, and individual responsibility speaks to the core of what it is to be an American.
As recent polls have shown, he is also the most likely candidate to beat Barack Obama in 2012.
Not since the Vietnam War have we witnessed the outpouring of grassroots support from across generations and parties that Ron Paul has inspired.
I’m writing to ask for your endorsement of Ron Paul for President 2012. Your endorsement will send a message that we are done with the status quo, that we will no longer tolerate a candidate selected by the mainstream media, and that it’s time we put America first again.
Please respond in writing with your endorsement of Ron Paul for President 2012 with permission for us to post and share on blogs, websites and social media. My email address is _________.
If you can simply take a photo of yourself holding a piece of paper that says "I endorse Ron Paul for President 2012!" that will speak volumes.
The 2012 presidential election may well be our last opportunity to return the United States to a strong, peaceful nation in our lifetimes. We can do it now IF we all rally around this campaign. As history has proven time and again, we can do together what we cannot do alone.
Thank you for your help in returning our country to sanity. The time for action is now!
Sincerely, YOU
How YOU (and they) Can Endorse Ron Paul for President 2012
In writing, then post and share a photo holding a sign that states, "I endorse Ron Paul for President 2012!" A picture is worth at least a thousand words.
Then post on your Facebook page and on the new "I endorse Ron Paul for President 2012" Facebook page! Thank you.
What other ideas do you have?
Please share in the comments and on Facebook here and here. Thank you!
*You have to click on the link, it takes you to a new page, click on that link and you can download the file. Could not get it to link to the file from this page... argh.