Planting Seeds or Wasting Time?
How to Respond to Well-Meaning Friends & Relatives Wanting You to Get Jabbed
In my “2021 Happy New Year” letter, I fessed up that we were not and would not be jabbed. I included 3 links to inform on this choice:
The Rogan/McCullough interview:
RFK’s book “The Real Anthony Fauci”
Most of our jabbed friends ignored us, but we expected that. One responded by quoting a scary hospital press release and urging us to reconsider the vaccine. Our response:
Dear Friend,
Thank you, I know you are concerned. Were you able to listen/read any of the info I provided?
Did you know that, last summer, the CDC removed its EUA from the PCR test because it can't distinguish Covid from the flu? So we really don't know who had/has the flu and who had/has Covid. Nor do we know how many people died from either one.
Did you know that the CDC changed the way deaths are reported so that anyone who had a (now known to be faulty) PCR diagnosis or simply exhibited one of the many Covid symptoms at time of death could be classified as a Covid death?
Did you know that hospitals and coroners receive bonuses from Medicare for Covid deaths, Covid patients, and for using ventilators and Remdesivir? Did you know that doctors, hospitals & pharmacies receive bonuses for every vaccine administered?
If people are still being put on ventilators, they will very likely get worse and may die (particularly if they are put on Remdesivir, a very dangerous drug). We've known since summer of 2020 that ventilators were not the proper treatment for Covid and that 8 out of 10 people on a ventilator die. But US hospitals get a $39,000 bonus each time a Covid patient is put on a ventilator. That incentive is in the wrong place, IMO.
Omicron is very contagious and very mild, which, in the natural course of virus events, is a good thing. It will allow us to reach true herd immunity and end the pandemic.
Did you know that the vaccine does not prevent transmission or infection and that, after 3-5 months, you no longer have any protection at all? This is why boosters are now recommended. Unfortunately the booster is the exact same formula as the vaccine and will give the exact same result. In Israel, they are on the 4th booster and planning more. Meanwhile, having had Covid, Hal and I have lifelong immunity. I'm not sure what benefit we would receive from a vaccine?
Because of this vaccine failure, we will never reach herd immunity via vaccine. The only option is to get the virus and recover (or hope your neighbor does it for you), or keep getting boosted.
It's also the most dangerous vaccine to date with over a million adverse event reports including over 21K deaths. Last time a new vax was introduced (swine flu), it was pulled from the market after 45 reported deaths.
Myocarditis in the under 35yo vaxxed group is alarming. Here's another of the expert investigators we follow: - one of his top posts is about the myocarditis phenomenon.
The last thing I'll bore you with, if you read this far, are the details of the Pfizer safety trials. Pfizer tried to delay revealing this information for 75 years but they've been court-ordered to share. What we've seen so far is pretty damning.
Not to mention the fact that it's never been safety tested on pregnant/nursing mothers or kids.
Thank you for writing. I understand your concern! At this point, we'd have to see evidence that the vaccine is worth the risk.
Love, Sally
So… wasting time or planting seeds?
These links were not included in the letter to my friend:
Ventilators with Cameron Seidel, a NY ER doctor. This is a Post article about it. (His YT video was taken down.)
LOVE this one Sally. Bravo! Well done!