Learn More: Alternative Documentaries
Looking for a good movie? Here's a bunch of the alternative documentaries that rocked my world over the last few years. (If you have others to share, please do in the comments -- we ♥ documentaries. Thank you!)
The first choice in sharing a video is to link to free videos online, but those links are most likely to break. To avoid that, many of these links go to Amazon. You get to watch a trailer at least! But before purchasing, search the titles for free locations. I saw most of these for free.
An excellent place to watch free documentaries online are TopDocumentaryFilms.com and, of course, YouTube and Vimeo. While Netflix and Amazon Prime cost money, they are affordable (compared to cable) and have tons of documentaries as well.
Owning the video is a good idea, too, of course. I've purchased several of these to have on hand for WAPF chapter meetings or to loan. People actually ask for them! Why not educate your friends, family and neighbors, eh?
Real Food
Genetic Roulette, Jeffrey Smith's expose on GMO. If you are still eating them, well... bye bye.
FatHead, Food Inc., King Corn on Netflix
The World According to Monsanto (this is often taken down so you may have to search for another source. Google Video has had it for years under various names...)
Supermarket Secrets UK investigative report -- one of the first documentaries I ever saw. Mind-blowing.
The Oiling of America Down with Vegetable Oils, UP WITH BUTTER and LARD!
Sugar: The Bitter Truth Brilliant and leaves no doubt...
Poison on the Platter About GMO foods, of course!
Silence of the Bees PBS Documentary
Fix Food - Fix Antibiotics - Meat Without Drugs Less than 2 minutes, right to the point!
Earthlings (Hard to watch and inflammatory, but makes some good factual points.)
Alternative Healing
Rick Simpson's Run From The Cure re. how Cannabis oil is curing cancer
Big Pharma Documentaries, Articles, Sites
Michael Moore comes around on Columbine (he's also featured in Drugging Our Children below)
The Truth About Random & Mass Shootings & Violence (11 min.) Backup copy here.
The Drugging of Our Children (1.5 hours -- the first 10 minutes are powerful, just watch that if you can't watch the whole thing)
Anatomy of an Epidemic -- Mind-blowing podcast: Stefan Molyneux interviews Dr. Robert Whitaker who wrote a book by the same title.
Another School Shooting [Sandy Hook], Another Psychiatric Drug? Federal Investigation Long Overdue (article)
The Chilling Effect: On Punishing People in Pain - this keeps disappearing online. I've downloaded it and will put it up when it disappears again =) Btw, the instigator of all this bed press for Big Pharma was killed in a small plane crash, a plane her partner was piloting. Her son survived the crash.
Making a Killing: on the psychotropic drugs we give America’s children… from age 2
House of Numbers Currently on Netflix! About the "HIV virus" and how Big Pharma is killing gay men with the cure. Answers the question: who benefits?
SSRIStories.org Incidents Involving SSRIs: 66 school shootings/incidents, 68 road rage tragedies, 19 air rage incidents, 101 arson cases, 70 postpartum depression cases, 115 cases of bizarre behavior, over 1,000 murders (homicides) or murder attempts, over 300 murder-suicides (30% committed by women) and other acts of violence including workplace violence documented here. And more all the time. Most of the stories describe events after the year 2000. Even these 4,800+ documented stories only represent the tip of an iceberg since most stories do not make it into the media.
Vaccination Wiki: All the Reasons We Don't Vaccinate (lots of links to videos and articles)
Shaken Baby Syndrome: Does it Exist? The actual evidence points to vaccines.
Are Vaccines Safe? with Mary Tocco
National Vaccine Information Center (org)
Stop The Vax (website is down so linked to Vaxxed instead) (org)Medical Voices Against Vaccinations (org)
Planet Earth
Gasland: Can you light your drinking water on fire? (28 June 2012: Currently on Netflix.)
Future Watching:
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead
Food Beware: The French Organic Revolution
Save the Farm
What's on Your Plate?
Fed Up!
All the Days Before Tomorrow
The Botany of Desire
Secret Life Of Plants
Frontline: The Vaccine War
The New Medicine
High: The True Tale of American Marijuana
Dying to Have Known
Deconstructing Supper
The Corporation
Food, Inc.
The Future of Food
The Gerson Miracle
The Natural History of the Chicken
Forks Over Knives
Certified Copy
Stark Raving Mad
The Official Story
50 Dead Men Walking
Just Ask My Children
When I Rise
Frontline: The Medicated Child
Lost in La Mancha
The Most Dangerous Man in America
Julian Assange: A Modern Day Hero?
South of the Border
Ralph Nader: An Unreasonable Man
Howard Zinn: You Can't Be Neutral
Power and Terror: Noam Chomsky
King Corn