LDN or Low Dose Naltrexone
We've been taking this for several years, since I discovered it while researching health topics when we lived in Costa Rica. Crazy awesome times that.
This is just a quickie post to describe the basics on LDN! To learn about the other supplements we take and why, click here.
See “LDN Resources” below.
Place your order, LDN is aka Naltima. Just follow the prompts and when you get to the "upload prescription" section, answer the questions (I think it asks if you smoke and a couple of other things), then just don't upload a prescription and carry on.
I've been ordering from alldaychemist for at least 10 years. I've used credit cards and my checking account and bitcoin, never a problem. They will call you and get your credit card over the phone if you want.
LDN means Low Dose Naltrexone. The suggested dose is 4.5 mg. You have to buy it in 50 mg pills so here's how to turn that 50 mg pill into 11 servings of 4.5 mg!
Put 50ml of water* (distilled is best) and one 50mg Naltrexone tablet in a small bottle and let it dissolve (shake, it dissolves pretty fast).
When it settles, you’ll see a bunch of yellow powder at the bottom, I believe that is filler. We leave that there and just take the clear liquid.
If you don't have a baby syringe that measures in mls (available in any drugstore), then 50ml is about 3 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon of water.
Now each ml of water in that bottle contains 1 mg of Naltrexone.
At bedtime, take the desired dose of no more than 4.5 mg which is just shy of a tsp. I have a tsp next to my bottle in the fridge and fill it almost to the rim. If I had cancer or a disease I was intent on healing, I would probably be more exacting.
BE AWARE: You may experience sleeplessness the first few nights. Took us about 2 weeks to get over that, hated that part but now no problem. We cut the dose WAY back at the beginning, like 1/8 tsp and worked our way up to a full dose.
LDN Resources
Dr. Burt Berkson wrote a very good book on using LDN with ALA to cure liver/pancreatic cancer.
I've been a member of this yahoo group since 2008. When yahoo ended groups, they moved to Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/108424385861883/
Great podcast by Linda Elsegood who has MS and uses LDN: http://wisetraditions.libsyn.com/40-autoimmune-help-with-ldn
Linda's book The LDN Book
Dr. Thomas Cowan has several podcasts and articles on LDN -- he's used it in his practice for many years:
Wise Traditions interview: http://wisetraditions.libsyn.com/the-deeper-reasons-behind-why-people-get-sick
LDN for leukemia: https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/ask-the-doctor/low-dose-naltrexone-ldn-therapy-for-leukemia/
Interviewed by the LDN Trust: https://www.mixcloud.com/LDNRT/dr-thomas-cowan-14th-december-2016-on-the-ldn-radio-show/
Mercola interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXB8lztHZp0
Interview on Phoenix Helix podcast: http://www.phoenixhelix.com/2016/02/27/episode-39-ldn-with-dr-thomas-cowan/