It's Official:
I'm now the Lexington, KY chapter leader for the Weston A. Price Foundation! Yay! Here's my (unpaid) job description:
Local chapters help you find locally-grown organic and biodynamic vegetables, fruits and grains; and milk products, butter, eggs, chicken and meat from pasture-fed animals. They also represent the Weston A Price Foundation at local fairs and conferences and may host cooking classes, potluck dinners and other activities to help you learn to integrate properly prepared whole foods into your lifestyle. Local chapters may be able to put you in touch with health practitioners who share our philosophy and goals.
I'll be at the conference this weekend, learning how to do this effectively. And eating delicious farm-fresh whole unadulterated food in the process. Sweet!!!
In Other FiftyToLife news:
Sam came to visit. She's the best, the daughter I never had, my mini me! She finished her internship in Costa Rica and returned to the states just after we did.
Watching her scrape the ice off her windshield before she left, however, was not that inspiring. That reminds me, I need an ice scraper to go with that big pile of firewood now in my backyard.
Why did we move here again?