The Healthiest Drink on the Planet (and it's not water) [VIDEO]

Did you know that your body's largest internal organ works 24/7 to break down toxins? It decides what stays as nutrient and where it has to go to nourish; it decides what leaves the body as toxin and waste. This organ also cleanses your blood. It removes chemicals and medications, and removes excess hormones...
Enjoy the video, more links and the transcript below!
Click here for the extremely simple Beet Kvass Recipe
TRANSCRIPT: Did you know that your body's largest internal organ works 24/7 to break down toxins? It decides what stays as nutrient and where it has to go to nourish; it decides what leaves the body as toxin and waste. This organ also cleanses your blood. It removes chemicals and medications, and removes excess hormones... What is this miraculous organ? Your liver! Right side, behind your ribcage. A friend recently asked what she could do for liver support. Right away a bunch of therapies popped into my head: milk thistle, of course, and caster oil packs, coffee enemas and Hulda Clark's famous olive oil, epsom salt and grapefruit juice cleanse... there's a fun evening. But as a Weston A. Price Foundation chapter leader and a confirmed real foodie, I start thinking beet kvass! Beets can't be beat for liver support! Seriously, I had to say that. This is part of my nuts and bolts series: no long history or biology lesson, just the FAQs. (Don't worry, you'll find links to all the history and biology in the post that will go with the video in a day or two.) So beet kvass. Great for digestion, healthy liver, cleanses the blood, helps get things moving if you know what I'm sayin'. And yummy. PLUS beet kvass is ridiculously easy to make: wash and chop up 2-3 beets, put in a glass jar, 2 tsps salt, fill with water, let sit for 3 days, boom. You've got beet kvass, a fermented food that's easier than sauerkraut or kombucha, probiotic rich and always tasty. I'm having some now. Oh. You might as well use organic beetroot. You are making beet kvass to help detox the liver. Why add toxins to the mix? So yeah: organic beets. Blood of the earth. Which reminds me, don't panic but your pee and poop will be a tad ruby the morning after you drink kvass. Scary but kinda fun.
So here's the nuts and bolts on your liver
Your liver is the sovereign organ for detoxification in your body.
You can't be well if your liver is not working
It's the largest internal organ because it has such a big job to do: literally everything that goes in your mouth eventually passes through your liver. Your liver decides what to keep and what has to go.
It's literally breaking down toxins every second of our lives, sending those bad boys out via kidneys, colon, lungs and skin!
metabolizes drugs and chemicals, making them water-soluble so they can be flushed out via sweat or urine
breaks down alcohol
plays a key role in the digestion of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates
acts as a storehouse for vitamins, minerals and sugars
makes bile so that food can be digested
But the function the liver is most famous for is detoxifying the blood, removing chemicals, excess hormones, viruses and bacteria.
Your liver is very busy and it's busy 24/7 doing VIP work!
What Could Go Wrong?
There are over 100 different liver diseases, including parasitic infections, inflammation caused by a virus, auto-immune disease, alcoholic drinking, drug-induced liver disease. There's fatty liver associated with obesity and metabolic syndrome, liver cancer and a very few hereditary diseases like hemochromatosis, an inability to detox iron. (Source) Today, we know that 95% of ALL disease is caused by lifestyle. Sometimes these are lifestyle choices that we made, sometimes choices that others made for us -- like a parent making choices for a child or a corporation making choices about how to dispose of its toxins or a government agency being wrong about what's safe to ingest or put on your body or use around your home.
The good news is that lifestyle diseases are both preventable and reversible.
That's where beet kvass comes in. So I'm going to tell you some of the 40 benefits of beet kvass and beets. Bear in mind that all of the benefits of beets, except for fiber, are not only available in beet kvass, but are enhanced.
It's a liver tonic, used since the Middle Ages to offer protection against infection.
It's a probiotic and a digestive aid providing valuable enzymes and lactic acid bacteria, a very beneficial bacteria.
can be safely consumed before and throughout pregnancy -- may help with morning sickness due its ability to rid the body of excess hormones
excellent support for kidney stones and gallstones
may help prevent cataracts
may help to prevent macular degeneration
lowers blood pressure by an average of four to five points in a matter of hours thanks to naturally occurring nitrates that are converted into nitric oxide in your body. Nitric oxide helps relax and dilate blood vessels, improving blood flow
This helps to prevent blood clots.
These nitrates also positively benefit cholesterol levels. Researchers recommend regularly consuming nitrate-rich vegetables like beets in order to protect heart health in multiple ways.
minimize arthritis, bronchitis, diabetes and chronic pain
Nine patients diagnosed with heart failure who experienced loss of muscle strength and reduced ability to exercise were given two-thirds of a cup of concentrated beet juice, then retested. They found an almost instantaneous increase in their muscle capacity by an average of 13 percent.
Like other lacto-fermented drinks, kvass is more hydrating than water because cultured beverages help restore the electrolyte balance.
chelates the body, gently detoxing it of heavy metals and toxins, including radiation exposure -- There's a great true story about a little Russian village near Chernobyl. The residents refused to move from their homes and credit kvass with saving them from radiation poisoning and cancer. Now this was kvass made from wheat, but heck... many of the same properties.
helps relieve chemical sensitivities, allergies because of detoxing the liver
Beets are a natural aphrodisiac. They increase blood flow to the reproductive organs and have high levels of nitrates and boron, two substances that work to regulate the production of human sex hormones
balances pH levels to alkalize the body
helps supports weight loss due to digestive support (and a tiny bit of fiber)
can boost stamina during exercise by as much as 16 percent
medicinally, nitrates are used to treat angina and congestive heart failure; research shows a glass of beet juice has the same effect as prescription nitrate
improving intestinal tract health
reduces symptoms of lactose intolerance, decreasing the prevalence of allergies
helps fight free radical damage
improves the health of your body at a cellular level
helps naturally cleanse the gallbladder, improve bile flow
promotes regularity
excellent food for pregnant women. Beets are high in folate -- lack of folate during pregnancy raises the risk of birth defects.
rich in antioxidants containing over 1300 milligrams of potassium per cup
contains a nutrient called betaine, which helps protect cells as well as enzymes and proteins from oxidative stress caused by the environment
unusually high in manganese, a mineral that is needed for the health of your bones, liver, kidneys and pancreas
high in betacyanin which can dramatically increase the oxygen-carrying ability of the blood.
beets are high in vitamin C, iron, manganese, copper, magnesium, potassium, flavonoids and phosphorus.
being studied for use in treating human pancreatic, breast, and prostate cancers
has reduced multi-organ tumor formations in various animal models
widely used in cancer therapy in Europe
beets contain phytonutrients, the source of their deep red color but also known cancer-fighting substances. Phytonutrients such as sulforaphane found in cruciferous vegetables raise the level of Phase 2 enzymes in the body, whose job it is to destroy disease processes
An inflammatory diet is high in processed foods, high amounts of sugar and low amounts of nutrients. Beets combat inflammation due to their betaine compounds.
Drinking beet kvass is an excellent way to halt the immune system from triggering ongoing harmful levels of high inflammation.
being considered as a therapeutic treatment for inflammation
Beets enhance the liver's ability to produce glutathione. Glutathione neutralizes toxins and makes them water-soluble so they can be excreted through urine and flushed out of the body.
Studies have shown that when animals are given beet extract, their blood becomes more purified and free from toxins and mutagens, compared to animals who are not treated with beets
Good liver resource:
Sugar Beets
Death to leukemia cells
Lung and skin cancers
Oxidative stress markers, auto-immune disease
Here's Stephanie Seneff, MIT researcher, on why ingesting glypohsate is dangerously bad for health:
Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases II: Celiac sprue and gluten intolerance
Dr. Stephanie Seneff: Glyphosate Toxicity, Lower Cholesterol Naturally & Get Off Statins – #238
The Dangers of Glyphosate: An Interview with Dr. Stephanie Seneff
Ok, y'all, drink your beets! Remember to #votewithyourwallet It's the single most important vote you make and you get to make it every single day! One more thing: #freeamishsam