Is Fluoride Dumbing Down America's Children?
We don't drink fluoridated water and haven't for many years since discovering several inconvenient truths about fluoride.
When the boys were babies, I gave them soy formula made with fluoridated water -- oh, how I regret that!!!
A Couple of Fluoride FAQs
It's been shown in several studies to reduce children's IQ: the first in 2012 by Harvard with the most recent in 2019.
It's a neurotoxin obtained from the SMOKESTACKS of a chemical plant
There's more. Lots and lots more. Like and follow Melissa's FB page to learn more. Here's a fluoride page just for KY -- there might be one for your state, too. This website has tons of reliable fluoride info and a podcast.
Why do we use this neurotoxin?
Fluoride is supposed to help remineralize your teeth. No proof that it does... it MAY, but that's still a theory at this point.
The most convenient way to get it on your teeth is to apply TOPICALLY via toothpaste. But fluoride is a neurotoxin and thus a poison. It says right on the toothpaste tube that if you swallow your toothpaste, to call poison control.
Bear in mind as well that, when you brush your teeth, you are vigorously rubbing that neurotoxin into your gums, it gets on your tongue and coats the inside of your mouth. Your mouth is the main entry point of your digestive tract. Since fluoride crosses the mucus membranes, it goes directly into your bloodstream. From there, it goes to ALL of your organs and your brain. That's efficient.
So call poison control if you swallow a little fluoridated toothpaste... but drinking fluoridated water is ok?
Why are we forced to DRINK it?
There are currently only 13 states that still force fluoridated water on their citizens. Kentucky is one of them.
In KY, it is MANDATED by the state that fluoride be added to the water supply. There's a group of us working to remove that mandate and return the fluoridation decision to cities and towns.
In 2018 and 2019, a bill was brought in the KY state legislature to rid Kentucky of the state mandate and allow water districts to choose if the practice continued. A bill in 2020 is yet to be determined. If you live in KY, please contact your representative and request that s/he support fluoride choice for your community. Share this post or any of the links on this page.
So far, when the legislature finds out fluoridated water dumbs down their kids -- cavities or no -- they leap on our bandwagon. Anyone can get fluoride treatment for their teeth. You don't have to drink it!!!
Every day, a million KY children continue to be poisoned (read the studies below, folks -- there are plenty more showing that fluoride harms kids).
What is Sodium Fluorosilicate?
Nearly every water system in our state adds artificial water fluoridating chemical (often hydrofluorosilicic acid or hexafluoric acid, HFA, in lieu of sodium fluoride) to maintain a feed of 0.7-1 ppm or mg/L. This practice is endorsed by the institutes of public health.
This is a waste by-product gotten from the smokestacks of a chemical plant. The waste is sent to China to be processed, then send back to the USA and added to your drinking water.
I don't know about you but I don't buy supplements or food that's been touched by China. The people are nice, I'm sure, but the government there, like most governments, is not to be trusted to keep humans healthy, particularly if there's a profit to be made for its own citizens. In China's case, there's also the fact that they do things so cheaply there... how nutritious or reliable could any product be?
Wouldn't the precautionary principal* require our government to cease water fluoridation until further studies can be carried out to determine the effects of fluoride ingestion on the health of the public?
3 Important Questions
#1 Is it constitutional?
Is it constitutional to add a product to the water supply that is intended for the purpose of biologically impacting the human who will ingest it?
HFA is not added with intent to purify or treat the water coming into our homes. It is incredibly corrosive and according to my water department director, it eats through the brick and concrete of the water plant, corrodes metal and etches glass even when the fumes are only airborne.
#2 Can we afford it?
The product that is dripped into our water lines in Kentucky is a product of Mosiac CO in Florida. It is a byproduct of phosphate fertilizer manufacture and is captured in wet scrubbers as mandated by the EPA to keep the pollutant from entering the air or groundwater.
Our city spends thousands of dollars to purchase this pollutant and filter it through the kidneys of the people ingesting it. The history of how this came to be is eloquently outlined in the podcast at
PS. The author who shares this information at #fpollution is a former US Navy Officer, Fullbright scholar and FBI analyst. I hope you take the time to listen.
#3 Is it better handled on a state or local level?
The state of Kentucky is mandating this practice and in spite of the facts about fluoride doing damage to our bodies and brains -- particularly our babies' brains -- the mandate continues as directed.
A neurotoxicant comparable to lead.
The above study is not the first to be completed with results that show neurological harm. In 2017 Bashash at al, reported similar findings
Shouldn't we call for a moratorium on the practice of water fluoridation pending further research?
The National Research Council published "Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA'S Standards" which includes evidence of the risks of consuming fluoride and suggests that the EPA lower the maximum contaminant level of fluoride in drinking water.
Here is the link to that document.
It was based on this that the Kentucky Division of Water lowered the amount of fluoride to be fed into the water. The levels are still dangerous.
What Can You Do?
Stop drinking tap water and any other fluoridated water. Look for a bottled water that is fluoride-free. We drink distilled water at home (cheap to buy, we also have this distiller). I buy SmartWater by the case at Costco for a little over $1 bottle to keep in the car and bedside.
Up your iodine to displace the fluoride (and chlorine and bromine) in your thyroid. Here's more on iodine and thyroid.
If you live in one of the states that currently mandates fluoridation, find a group in your area and at least stay in touch. See what's happening in your legislature and how you can help end poisoning our bodies with a deadly neurotoxin.
Still want fluoride treatments?
If you believe fluoride is good for your teeth, by all means get fluoride treatments!!! They are affordable and simple. Just don't swallow it.
*Precautionary principle: when human activities may lead to morally unacceptable harm that is scientifically plausible but uncertain, actions shall be taken to avoid or diminish that harm.
Resources This is a recent publication in JAMA Pediatrics concerning water fluoridation and its potential to cause neurological harm. This is a 12-minute audio summary from JAMA's editor in chief (an MD) who clearly states that that the effects of ingested fluoride may be comparable with the harmful effects of lead and that he will recommend to pregnant women that they drink filtered bottled water.
You will also hear him point out that this article received more scrutiny prior to publication than the average study because of the likely controversy it would stir... Meaning they actually considered NOT publishing this article because it goes against the established protocol. What happened to "first do no harm"?