Fast, Efficient Way to Contact Your Legislators Re. Stopping S.510!
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Here's my letter which you can copy and paste for ease, or edit, use freely:
Dear Chandler/McConnell/Bunning:
STOP S.510. It will crush family farms and small businesses with excessive regulations and criminal charges -- even if no one gets sick! And even though they were NOT the source of ANY food safety problems in recent history.
S.510 violates the Fourth Amendment by allowing the FDA to invade and search farms and food producers without court permission. How is this even under consideration? An FDA with police powers? Are you kidding me?
If you think the FDA will use this power responsibly, please cite examples of when they have. The examples of when they haven't are too numerous to mention. If you have any examples, I can top your list without even breathing hard. Plus a recent gov study showed it has several years' worth of backlog. Do not give this agency more power until it proves it can handle it responsibly!
The FDA recently shut down two raw-milk cheese-makers for the presence of a pathogen, even though the testing and samples are suspect, and even though:
Nobody got sick
The FDA almost never shuts down companies for the mere presence of pathogens - even when people DO get sick. Why these dairies?
Companies have previously been allowed to clean things up, rather than shut down. Like Merck after the Vioxx "mishap" when 27,000 people died. Why not these dairies?
Imagine how abusive the FDA will be under S.510!
Industrialized foods are the source of every food recall in recent history. S.510 will make this problem WORSE, not better. It will burden small producers, driving them out of business and criminalizing them. Who is left? Only industrialized food! Our food supply will be more centralized and more dangerous.
STOP S.510. It is not a food "safety" bill. It is dangerous to the health and food choices of U.S. citizens.
Why so political? If I can only eat industrialized food, I'll be too sick to blog and you'll be too sick to read. Besides, we'll all be eating the same thing: processed food and GMO. How boring would that be?