How I Use Essential Oils to Soothe My Throat & Vocal Cords
Back in 2010, after nearly dying from pneumonia and liver failure (from too much Tylenol), being in a coma with the lovely Salome, being on a respirator for 10 days, then finally leaving the hospital (with an O2 tank) after 3 long and just downright awful weeks, I was left with a chronic cough. Pneumonia, after all. I so wish I'd known about essential oils for throat health from day one!!!
I also had NO voice, like after a bad case of laryngitis. I could barely whisper. Sorry, world, but my musical comedy days are over. At least, for the moment...
At first, I hacked 24/7 so very little sleep for anyone. That slowly subsided, but here I am, 6 years later, finally getting that cough under control. I'll be writing a post on what's worked to end the hacking and what hasn't. Click here to subscribe so you don't miss that one.
Essential Oils to Support Throat Health
I've been using essential oils since last November and they've made a huge difference in our lives. My sons both use diffusers in their homes (did not see that coming)! Since then, I've replaced so many expensive and ultimately UNhealthy wellness and household products with essential oils, and the shift has been dramatic. There are links under the video if you'd like to know more.
Here's how I'm using essential oils to soothe my throat and vocal cords today:
I keep the balm and oils near my desk where I work -- I have a little shelf next to my monitor. It's quick and easy to make this little soother to help calm the cough.
In fact, you can make this quickie EO balm for anywhere that needs soothing, using a variety of essential oils: rosemary, eucalyptus, Thieves... the possibilities are endless. And the smells... heavenly.
Why "Calming the Cough" is Important
One of the many root causes of a chronic cough is simply a feedback loop: your body gets in the habit of coughing till you can't any longer. It can start as a simple cough to clear your throat or a full-blown hack attack from the start. For me, once it started, there was no interrupting it. (Until now - I have found a way! More on that in an upcoming post!)
As I mention in the video, the only "cure" offered by both mainstream and alternative medicine has been to take an SSRI-type drug in a very small dose to calm the cough. Some docs said I'd only be taking it for a short time, but most said for the rest of my life.
No thank you. That will simply never happen. I try not to be foolish in turning down pharmaceuticals -- there may be one or two that actually help more than they hurt. In this case, once I turned down the mainstream cure, I had to find my own, or be hostage to my body's whims. That was, of course, also anathema.
The whole reason I quit smoking was not for health reasons but because I couldn't stand to be hostage to cigarettes and matches. I was not going to let this cough get away with being in charge, lol.
While the cough is not completely gone, it is so minimized, it does not run my life anymore. I can go out to dinner with friends and not be afraid I'm going to cough until I throw-up or pass out. Yes, that's attractive. I don't have to sit on the aisle in a cinema in preparation to run out. I'm not wearing huge pads anymore (because your bladder is hostage to a cough that doubles you over and leaves you gasping for air).
A post on everything I've done to heal my chronic cough is in the works and will be up shortly. If you suffer this -- and many people do, I've discovered -- I am confident the tricks I've found will work for you, too!
Essential Oil Links & Resources
Here's the article explaining in detail how to safely use essential oils topically.
Here's how to get therapeutic-grade essential oils at wholesale prices.
And here's why I only use therapeutic grade essential oils and why that matters. HINT: It has something to do with the BBB, the Blood Brain Barrier. You don't want to mess with that!
Free Private Essential Oils 101 Class
Right now, I'm offering my readers a FREE private class to learn how to use essential oils in your home. It takes about 30 minutes to learn the basics on what I call "everyday oils." We'll use a free video chat service, like Skype, at a time convenient for you. To set up a class, contact me -- my phone and email are at the top of every page.
You know, I used to think using essential oils was as crazy as taking a good-quality supplement (as opposed to a cheap one -- aren't they all the same?) or getting enough sleep or using positive aphorisms (like "let go and let God")... now I wouldn't live without any of them! They've improved my life immeasurably and I'm so grateful that my crunchy mama friend turned me onto the oily life. ❤
Do You Have a Nagging Health Complaint? If yes, take the first step to recovery and set up a free 15-minute Discovery Call with me. My functional medicine D.R.E.S.S. for Health Success® Program has worked for thousands of people to restore vibrant health using all natural methods. It can work for you, too! My phone and email are at the top of every page.
