Don't Mess with My TV
Posted on FB and I'm thinking it might be deleted. Along with my account, lol.
Ok this has been coming on for awhile now. But a line has been crossed and I'm PISSED. I need to be entertained and I'm crazy for TV & movies. I have a BS in Drama, you know. I like everything about THE-uh-tuh.
Here's the thing: I'm a straight white grandma. I like shows with mature straight white people in them. I can identify. I love kids, millennials, black people, gay people, Chinese people, Indians, every color & preference. Some of my best friends are different from me. Honest.
However, when I look to be entertained, I watch people like me do funny, clever or evil stuff. I don't watch shows with an all black cast because I don’t relate. Or all Chinese or gay or whatever. I stopped watching Mr. Rogers and the Cookie Monster when I was little because I no longer related. Why does Bollywood exist? And who here watches it for entertainment??? I didn't even watch 90210 because I didn't identify with those people. So sue me.
OTOH, I loved Sense 8. What a wild ride! I loved the characters, the crazy premise. Loved Will & Grace, I will watch Sean Hayes in ANYTHING because I like laughing and he is one funny guy. If one of the Friends had been gay, would I still have watched that? As long as it was funny, probably. But why wasn’t one friend gay or black or another culture? Because IT’S ANOTHER CULTURE and you have to know what you are talking about and your audience.
Wondering now if straight white people write scripts for any other culture… Surely black shows have black writers, gay shows have gay writers?
Back to my point if there is one… So in EVERY current show I watch, at least one of the main characters is gay and there's all this kissing and stuff. Manifest was incredibly tiresome on this point. Almost every couple was gay AND bi-racial. Where does that community exist in real life except possibly in LA, NYC, San Fran or Key West? Not that I’m such a fan of real life, lol.
And why all the sex on TV anyway? It’s porn, people. Added for titillation. If Hollywood is going to include all cultures having sex and hot kissing, why not obese people who make up 40% of the US population? Why not us grandmas and grandpas? Yeah, try to get that picture out of your head ‘cause you know you want to.
OTOOH, I'm deliriously happy for all y'all of other cultures -- I can see how you've missed out because Hollywood has ignored you till now. You've had to watch straight white people kiss and do all the things. I'm truly sorry!!!
But now Hollywood's ignoring ME and I don't like it. Ok, end of rant. Mostly, except for…
PS. Here’s what got me started: Keeley is no more a lesbian than I am a super-model. I know LOTS of lesbians and not a single one "went gay" because a pretty woman was in the room while she was drunk. All my gay friends, male & female, were born gay and were pretty emotionally tortured until they came out. Including my cousin who was always mysteriously different and withdrawn until he went to DC after high school and started the Gay Men's Chorus there in 1981. Then he got famous & happy.
And don’t give me the “maybe Keeley’s bi” thing. True bi-sexuality is so rare it’s practically non-existent. I’ve known bi people, even bi-people with two+ wives. I’m cool with that, I just don’t wanna WATCH THEM ON TV.
PSS. And one last point on the “gender dysphoria” explosion. This could be the nail in my FB coffin, but here goes. There is a boatload of soy, sugar, GMOs, glyphosate and untested chemicals in food these days, and those are ALL endocrine disrupters. What happens when your endocrines are disrupted? Your hormones are whacked. What happens when your hormones are whacked? Your sexuality is a MESS (among other horrors). Before you change your gender or start sleeping with the next available person regardless of sex, clean up your food, TAKE THE SOY & CHEMICALS OUT, and get your natural-born hormones right. Get your body healthy, THEN see what you want.
PSSS. Please bear in mind that if I were Asian, black or gay or any other of the million cultures, you would have no problem with this post.
PSSSS. Have I insulted everyone? If I left you out, please let me know.
Another post here about why you should not feed your baby soy formula.
Brilliant video here about endocrine disrupters, very complete and fun to watch. Worth every second. I watched this on speed 2, you can still understand every word and read the captions.