Decriminalize Everything Starting with Raw Milk, Cannabis, Breast Milk and Industrial Hemp
Why are consenting adults being put in jail for harmless substances? I'm looking for some good answers here. Why not decriminalize it all? Let's start with Cannabis, seeing as how the insanity of the drug war is fresh on my mind. Ingesting Cannabis never hurt anyone. Ever. The other day, a toddler ate a bunch of Cannabis cookies and fell asleep for 16 hours. That's it. The side effects of Cannabis are silliness and sleep. Give me one sane and verifiable reason to keep this illegal.
But isn't Cannabis a gateway drug?
No. Our own government proved that smoking Cannabis does not lead to anything other than silliness and sleep. In fact, "Both alcohol and tobacco tend to precede Cannabis use, and it is rare for those who use hard drugs to not have used alcohol or tobacco first." Um, alcohol and tobacco are both legal, despite the fact they are known gateway drugs. What am I missing?
Cannabis is a Medical Miracle?
The evidence is overwhelming that it is. The fact that the U.S. government owns the patent on Cannabis is a big fat clue. Who seeks a patent on a worthless substance? (Answer: Nobody.) Apparently, we the people granted exclusive rights to this patent "we" own to Kannalife Sciences. Exclusive. Rights. Oh, the irony.
Decriminalize raw milk? That stuff is dangerous, right?
Raw milk actually was dangerous for a short time in history when cows were fed disgusting mash from nearby distilleries. Other than that, it's no more dangerous than a Twinkie. In fact, it's far safer than alcohol, tobacco, cantaloupe, oysters and backyard pools. Way safer than pasteurized milk which caused 18 deaths in the mid '80s and three more in 2007. In fact, food borne illnesses from milk account for less than 1% of all of 'em. Why all the hysteria over milk?
But I was told raw milk and Cannabis are illegal for my own good. True?
False. Both raw milk and Cannabis can now boast unblemished safety records. Zero deaths from Cannabis ever. Zero deaths in 38 years from raw milk. Besides, if keeping a substance illegal was about safety, alcohol and cigarettes would definitely be illegal, right? Pasteurized milk would have gone the way of bathtub gin. Oysters kill 15 people a year every single year. Five kids under 5 die in backyard pools every single week. Even though cantaloupe (from an industrial farm) killed 17 people in a month, I bought one today. Here's the other evidence that prohibition is not about safety: not only are Cannabis and raw milk two of the safest substances on earth, they actually heal the sick! The research is exhaustive and plentiful on this topic. Four years ago, I watched Rick Simpson's Run From the Cure which got me started on the healing power of Cannabis. Tonight, I watched What If Cannabis Cured Cancer. Either is a good jumping off point.
Here's a short list of known health benefits of Cannabis (these are the reasons we got the patent, silly!)
No side effects at all.
Cures cancer.
Lowers blood pressure.
educes inflammation.
Aids digestion.
Balances cholesterol.
Stabilizes blood sugar.
Improves mood.
Aids weight loss.
Prevents breast, colon, prostate cancers.
Better stress and anxiety reducer than prescription drugs (see "No side effects at all").
Not physically addicting (like alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and Coca Cola are).
I suppose it can be habit forming. So is picking your nose which is far more dangerous, but you can't go to jail for that. Although you should if you do it in public. If you are one of the people who thinks that people who want medical Cannabis legalized just so they can get high, go read Rush' blog. Or Glen's. For a list of raw milk health benefits, read the Raw Milk Cure used by the Mayo Clinic to heal the sick. They never used pasteurized milk for this, because the very bacteria and enzymes that make raw milk so healing are killed in pasteurization. And here's a video made by an M.D. on the benefits of raw milk. We drink 2-3 gallons a week of raw milk and never felt better. This is some good s--t.
But Doctors and Cops all say these are dangerous!
They are wrong. Why? Because they are listening to each other and not looking at facts. If you don't believe me, do your own research. In fact, drink some raw milk and smoke some Cannabis. You'll see. The worst thing that will happen is you'll giggle, then fall asleep with a full stomach. You won't wake up with a hangover, you won't want to go anywhere and have a fist fight, you won't want to rob a liquor store or beat your wife. At least, the toddler didn't. I don't get to smoke Cannabis because I'm an alcoholic (there's irony for you) and we alkies don't get to do anything that fun. Before sobering up, however, I smoked plenty and see how great I turned out? I never did anything stupid on pot. I can't even begin to tell you what an ass I am on alcohol because there's not enough time and you wouldn't believe me anyway because I seem so normal.
Ok, Ok, Cannabis and raw milk are safe. But decriminalize HEMP? Hemp is wicked dangerous. Right?
Wrong. Not even close. In fact, NOTHING bad ever happened because of hemp. Not harmful in any way. The ONLY reason it's illegal -- are you sitting down? -- is because it looks like the Cannabis you smoke. Yeah, the kind described above that is safe and actually good for you. The difference between the two Cannabis' is that one (hemp) has too little THC to make you giggle.
If it doesn't make you giggle, then what is it good for?
A better question is what is it NOT good for! Here's a short list of the proven benefits of hemp -- besides providing jobs in farming, manufacturing and retail. Benefits that over 20 other countries in the world are enjoying right this very minute: Benefits of Industrial Hemp: Strongest fiber known. Replaces concrete. Requires NO pesticide, herbicide, fungicide. Lifts metals from soil. Adds nutrients to soil. Uses less water than any other farm product. Non-toxic. Biodegradable. Renewable. Hemp fuel produces no sulfur. Save trees. Easy to grow. Environmentally sound. Stronger than wood. Base product for paper, rope, canvas, textiles, houses, cars, fuel, food, medicine. For starters. Here's a factoid that will make you shout, "SHUT.UP." You harvest trees in 20-50 years. You harvest hemp every four months. Not only that, an acre of hemp produces FOUR TIMES more than an acre of trees. It produces TWO TIMES more than an acre of cotton. This is precisely why George Washington said:
"Make the most of the hemp seed, sow it everywhere."
So this valuable plant that could save our country from economic Armageddon is illegal because it LOOKS LIKE another plant? What in the world are we thinking? Time to decriminalize raw milk, cannabis and hemp. It is upside down day around here and it's time to make it right. We are working on hemp in Kentucky. (As well as raw milk and medical cannabis. What can I say? Kentuckians lead the way.) What can you do? Start talking. Say the words, "Decriminalize Cannabis|raw milk|hemp." What happened at Ginny's store, to this Kentucky man, to Michael Schmidt, at Rawesome Foods, to Vernon Hershberger, to these farmers (including my dairy farmer), to all those farmers in Farmageddon should never have been allowed to happen. Only you and I can stop it. Edmund Burke said:
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Start talking. Say the word "decriminalize" as often as you can. Expose the truth and we can stop the insanity now.