Basic Homeopathy Class starting 2/2!
Homeopathy made a DRAMATIC entrance into my life. I’d had a chronic hacking cough for 8 years, one of the many gifts from a 3-week hospital stay during which the docs literally saved my life. I went in on my deathbed with bacterial pneumonia and a failing liver from too much Tylenol. I left alive, but with a few health challenges directly caused by the interventions used by the docs who saved my life.
Everything has a price, right?
The cough was debilitating. Once I started coughing, I couldn’t stop until I peed my pants or threw up. Sometimes both. There was no predicting when it would come on me. I had 2+ episodes every day. Up to 10x a day. Kept me up all night sometimes. It was loud and scary, too. If I went to a movie, I had to sit by the exit. Same at a restaurant. Same anywhere, actually. The cough was my first consideration before going anywhere. It RAN my life.
I’d heard of homeopathy. I’d used Arnica (for pain) and Cold Calm with the grands, both were miracles, IMO. Relief was always instant and dramatic.
I’d also heard of Joette Calabrese, the mother of practical homeopathy in the US. At some point, I fell in with a FB group and signed up for a “Gateway to Homeopathy I” course with Sheena Rice. I didn’t know her very well but I had confidence in the remedies I’d already used… I was ready to learn more.
During that course, Sheena recommended Ipecac 30C 2xd (twice a day) for the cough. In 3 days, it was almost gone. G.O.N.E. If a coughing spell started, I took Ipecac and the spell stopped. The spells came less and less often until now — 7 years later — I rarely if ever have one. Ipecac still stops it.
Ipecac (and most homeopathic remedies) are about $15 for 900 pellets. I bought a HUGE bottle of Ipecac for like $30 and I still have 1/3 of the bottle 7 years later.
Homeopathic remedies are tiny pellets. They are effective, inexpensive and last literally forever. Plus ZERO side effects and perfectly safe.
I’m still amazed. And grateful. We use homeopathy for most of life ills, big or small, emotional or physical, it has never failed us.
IMO, every family should have this amazing resource for healing.
You can learn how to use it, too!
Sheena is teaching Gateway to Homeopathy 1, an 8-session study group. The curriculum, put together by Calabrese, is a simple and thorough foundation for learning homeopathy.
Details from Sheena:
Starting Wednesday February 2nd, 2022, I'm going to teach a Gateway to Homeopathy I class. This class is appropriate for everyone…those who know nothing about homeopathy, those who know somethings about homeopathy, and even those who have been using it for some time but want to dig deeper.
We will meet via Zoom at 10:30am EST on Wednesdays for eight weeks. The full schedule is below.
For information on the study group guide, please click here and go to “Please read on … you’ll be glad you did!” at the bottom of the page. Included on the page is order information for Gateway to Homeopathy I, and the various available bundles.
I use the Gateway to Homeopathy I curriculum as the foundation of my class. There are six weeks of content including reading in your Gateway book and videos to watch. During the meetings I dig into the key points presented each week in your reading, adding in stories from my own experiences and answering questions making sure everyone understand the material for the week.
I include two 2-hour Q&As and will be taking at least one case from a student volunteer as an example during the second Q&A.
If you are interested, please order your book as soon as possible so you have it before class starts. Order here: Gateway. Most people end up taking Gateway II, and Joette's Materia Medica is very useful for beginners. You might consider getting all three books, but you just need Gateway 1 for this class.
My fee for the class is $100. My class fee doesn't include the book and website access. Those materials are purchased directly from Joette Calabrese.
Here are the dates
February 2 - Lesson 1
February 9 - Lesson 2
February 16 - Lesson 3
February 23 - 4 - Q&A
March 2 - Lesson 5
March 9 - Lesson 6
March 16 - Lesson 7
March 23 - Lesson 8 - Q&A, case taking
How to sign up:
Send me an email to with your full name and email address. I will send you the payment links. Once you have paid you will be added to the class roster. I will send you a confirmation email. If you don't receive it and you have paid, let me know right away.
Order your Gateway to Homeopathy I materials from Joette Calabrese.
If you’d like to learn an effective, inexpensive, remarkable healing modality you can use every single day with no side effects, start here!!!