Video of the Month!
Loved every minute of this, chock full of need-to-know info in the #timeofcorona.
π Myocarditis is such a prevalent adverse event from all whack-seens that it's now a Black Box Warning with every one of them. The BBW is the strongest possible.
π 55% of all people (all ages) diagnosed with myocarditis die within 11 years.
π While Conventional Medicine (ConMed) says it's not curable, the doc in this video offers a simple one. Couldn't hurt.
π 53% of the people in Remdesivir trials DIED. The NIH, which funded the study, had to take it out of the trial.
π In another trial, Remdesivir caused acute kidney failure in 30% of the patients. STILL Dr. Science made it the required protocol for hospitals. If you still think he must know something we don't know, keep reading. He doesn't.
π ATM, the death rate from the virus worldwide is less than 1%.
π Meanwhile, the U.S. has 4.5% of the world's population but 25% of all deaths. Anyone call that "civilized"?
π 95% of C19 deaths are in ICUs on Remdesivir and ventilators (even though we've known since summer 2020 that vents kill 8-10 people on them).
π SURPRISE: that horse dewormer is an NIH-approved treatment for the virus (see photo).
π PNEUMONIA: Demand a sputum test to confirm diagnosis. If the hospital says that's not protocol, they are lying. It is. An xray does NOT CONFIRM pneumonia. REMEMBER: R E M D kills by shutting down the kidneys > your body fills with water > including the lungs > docs diagnose pneu & put you on a vent. You don't die of "c-pneumonia", you drown.
π Dr. Ardis also outlines his protocols for prophylactic (to prevent getting the virus), healing (if you get the virus) and detoxing if you got the vax. (I've updated my C19 Cheat Sheet with his suggestions.)
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